⋆Chapter 8⋆

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Song: Dark Horse
Artist: Katy Perry
Chapter Name:✖️The Day Continues✖️
Tw ⚠️ : This Chapter Contains Some Swearing So if You Are Uncomfortable Just Skip the parts(I put a check point on where it starts and where it ends)
*Izuku's Pov*
I ran to the cafeteria to check up on the groups I left there. I look over to the tables that they where sitting on to find
Tōgata-Senpai and Nejire-Sama talking to my class and class1-B while Kirishima-kun was talking with Tamaki-Senpai in the corner. "Hiya guys! Sorry I'm late!" I said standing next to Togata-Senpai. "Oh, no worries Midoriya-sama. Btw we've been wondering..." Kendo stopped herself from speaking and turned back to the rest of the group, as if she was asking for permission, they all nodded and she turned her head back to me and asked, "umm, do you want us to call you Aizawa-sama?..."
*No ones POV*
Izuku chuckled at the thought of her being called Aizawa or Aizawa-Yamada, although it is her current legal name. "No need for that guys, I'm fine with Midoriya, or just call me by my first name." she stated with a smile. Kendo and the rest simply smiled and sighed in relief. "We didn't want you to be uncomfortable with what we call you so we thought we'd ask you" Yaoyorozu explained with a smile. "Oh, that was really thoughtful of you guys but I'm fine with what you guys already call me" izuku noted with a smile. She sat on one of the tables and started eating her breakfast along with her friends, they even managed to get Tamaki to sit with them. After they finished their breakfast, The first years bid their upper classmen a goodbye and left to the gym.
(Haha you thought)
*Shigaraki's POV* (didn't expect that did you?)
"I HATE UUUUUU!!!" The yellow haired blood sucking brat yelled from the other room. "OH? WELL NEXT TIME DONT STEAL MY MONOPOLY!" Mr. Burnt toast and daddy issues yelled back at her. "Spinner, give Dabi his money, you landed on his property" our babysitter said calmly but loud enough for me to hear. "HE'S IN JAIL! IM NOT GIVING MONEY TO A CRIMINAL!" He does realize that we are villains, right? "THATS NOT HOW YOU PLAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dabi yelled back at him. "Kurogiri, why are they screaming?(HELL YEAH I LOVE YELLING!)" Mr. Split-personality asked.
(Start Of Swearing)
"STFU TWICE, YOU'RE ONE TO TALK AFTER STEALING MY LAST RAILROAD" I never thought I'd hear kurogiri yelling, welp life is filled with surprises. "I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!" Toga yelled again. "ME TOO! YOU THINK I WANTED THIS!?" I yelled back at her gesturing to whatever they were doing.
"I'm done with you imbeciles, Master Tōmura, it's up to you now for I am leaving this world and welcoming death with open arms"-Kurogiri(mamagiri)
"Can y'all shut the hell up!? You're all acting like fucking children" I said gesturing that even Kurogiri is annoyed.
(End of swearing)
"Oof sorry Mamagiri" Toga and Twice said at the same time, I swear these two share the same brain cell sometimes. "Shiggy you look like cr@p" wow thanks for telling me Burnt Toast.*insert eyeroll* "go take a look in the mirror, dumbass" I replied. I walked around the room for abit and then looked at the books we had stolen or taken from our old stuff. There was this on particular book Toga loved that I particularly despised, it was called "Living Alongside Quirks" and I hated this book for reasons. I put the book back in its place and went to Kurogiri, since he called for us anyways. "Alright, so apparently UA took their students to a camp, music camp to be exact. We don't have the exact location yet and we cant track anyone because they have security on all sides of the camp. Now security wouldn't be a problem but there is also a barrier and only those with access to the barrier can go in and out, otherwise we will be electrocuted, atleast that's what eraser head had stated before leaving to the camp.(he snuck on him and UA at the time: what a stalker Shirakumo) It's up to Master Tomura if we attack or stay put and wait till they get out of the camp." So the brats are at a Camp having fun instead of training to be heroes huh? What a waste.

A/N: omg this was too short. I'm sorry for not posting like IN FOREVER but I was honestly soooooo busy to the point I couldn't do anything except work and study. Anyways my writing has improved a little and honestly I was re-reading what I had wrote in the past chapters and WOW, MY WRITING WAS CRINGE. I might rewrite the entire story, if not I'll just continue this. Btw do you guys want shiggy and the LOV to attack the camp, leave them be or do you want "the surprise"? Write it down in the comments! Bye my loves! Have an awesome day/night!

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