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A/N: aaaa here's what you've been waiting for!
Contains: dom emily, drinking, smut

The two of you found the outdoor pool fairly quickly and spotted Reid, Rossi, and JJ as soon as you stepped outside. It was a slightly cool evening, and you knew that if you were out here for long you'd eventually get cold, but you hoped the alcohol and a certain agent would help keep you warm. You were greeted to cheers as you and Emily held up the alcohol to show the small group what you brought. Once you took a spot near the edge of the pool to the left of Reid with Emily to your right, you began to get out cups for the team and poured everyone a shot. Before you could finish, the rest of the team joined you all outside.

"Damn Y/N, getting us started early I see," Morgan laughed, sitting down across from you. "And I see that you had a heavy hand while pouring these shots."

"What's that Morgan? You can't handle your liquor, is that it?" you teased, pouring the last shot and adding a bit extra since you'd be the one to drink it.

"Nah nah nah, I can handle it. I'm just worried about you and am remembering just how much trouble it was for you to make it to the plane the morning after our last night like this," he teased back. You didn't reply, instead flipping him the middle finger and cracking open a beer. Everyone laughed, and you noticed that you and Emily looked at each other--really looked at each other-- for the first time in months.

"Alright everybody, this pizza's gonna get cold if we don't dig in soon," Rossi announced, picking up a pizza box and grabbing a slice for himself before passing it to Hotch, who sat to his left. The pizza box quickly made its way around the group, with each person taking one or two slices before passing it to the next person.

Light conversation was made as everyone scarfed down their pizza, discussing the results of the case and confirming that everyone shared your suspicions about the priest. After you took the last bite of your pizza, you realized no one had taken their shot yet.

"Hang on," you gasped. "We haven't taken our shots yet!"

"Do I have to?" Rossi asked, pleading for someone to do it for him.

"I'll do it for you, old man," you volunteered.

"Damn Y/N, you really do want to miss the plane tomorrow," Morgan joked.

"It's one extra shot, Morgan. Not a death wish," you replied, pouring the contents of Rossi's cup into yours, creating the equivalent of 2 ½, if not 3, shots. "Besides, maybe I'm looking for a little liquid courage," you continued, eyeing Prentiss since she was having a side conversation with JJ, who sat to her right and causing Morgan to raise an eyebrow.

"Okay everybody, cheers," you declared, raising your glass and knocking it against everybody else's. You quickly tapped it against your knee and downed the shot, grimacing a bit as it stung your throat.

"Was that mango?" Reid asked, murmuring something to himself about how the taste of the alcohol wasn't masked enough by the flavoring.

"You know, mangoes are an interesting choice for a flavor of vodka. Mangoes are actually capable of heightening the effects of certain substances, like THC in cannabis. There's a lot of research being done right now to--" he rambled, before he was cut off by Morgan.

"Pretty boy, you know I love you, but right now I do not want to think about biochemistry. I just want to reap its benefits," Morgan laughed, raising his glass and taking a sip of his beer.

"Yep, bottoms up whiz kid, it's all they had!" Prentiss said, taking a sip of her beer as well.

"Okay, so if we're all ready, I figured we could play a drinking game I found on the internet since we're always just sitting around and drinking or playing basic games," JJ proposed, pulling her laptop out from underneath her lounge chair. "I found a website that will randomly generate truth, dare, or drink options for us, since we never can think of anything. I made sure to set it to adult mode, so get ready to get truthful! Plus, since this game has a drinking category, that means you've got to do what it generates, no matter how crazy. No cop-outs where you can take a shot and avoid answering, Y/N," she teased, causing you to put your hands up and laugh.

Ruckus (Emily Prentiss x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant