Percy Jackson x reader

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Joint confessions (pt. II).

You and been dating Percy for almost 8 years now, and you were both 22.

But you were starting to get a bit impatient.

You loved him so much it hurt. You wanted to be his. And you wanted him to be yours. You wanted him to throw the apple. You had waited so long. And couldn't wait anymore.


You walked out of your apartment (you live in an apartment alone because Percy's power still made him a target for monsters) and down the street to the jewellery store. You had been saving up for this. So you went in and picked out a platinum engagement band. A band that had a female counterpart but you didn't care. You bought the male one, thanked the shopkeeper and walked out.


When you reached home you decided you were going to cook for the first time in almost a week.

You put the tap on and began washing the vegetables you were going to cook.

Suddenly, the water started shimmering.

Being a demigod you were used to this.

An iris message.

It was Percy!

He asked you to meet him at the beach this evening. And he wanted you to wear something comfortable. You quickly agreed jumping up and down the minute her terminated the connection. You were jumping because of nerves. Today was the day you were going to do it. You'd be the first girl you'd ever heard of who was going to propose to her boyfriend! You quickly finished the cooking you were doing, ate your lunch and got ready.


The beach was about an hour away and you and Percy both adored it there.

Hailing a cab, you got in, and directed him to the beach.


About an hour later you got to the beach. And you looked around for Percy. You saw him in a corner of the beach with candles and a picnic blanket set up. Your nerves got to you again. And you began to have negative thoughts. What if he says no? What if I mess up? You know... The classic.

You forced it all down by thinking, a bit to late to worry about that now, right?

You sprinted across the beach towards Percy who had clearly not seen you yet. You quietly crept up being him and put your hands in his eyes.

He laughed out and said in a grown up voice, "wow Y/n I've never seen a 22 year old as childish as you!"

You turned him around and gave him a confused look.

"How'd you know that was me?" You asked.

"I didn't" he replied with a grin. "I was just hoping it was."

This time it was your chance to laugh.

You looked at him. The sun had begun to set and it all looked really beautiful. Not wanting to ruin the moment you went for it. You got down on one knee and said, "listen Percy we've been throught so much togther, I don't think I can live without you. But another thing I can't live without is knowing you aren't truly mine. I love you and I know this is definitely not the way it was supposed to happen, but... Will you marry me?" And it wasn't until after the whole speech that you realised he had gotten down on his knee too.

And said the exact same words as you before realising at the same time, and replying at the same time.
Let's just say, you two were perfect for each other.

You guys can consider this the sort of second part to the first one shot

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