we quickly grabbed our bikes and headed towards the ditch that sat at the end of our neighborhood.

me and him didn't exactly know what to talk about, but he didn't want to let go of me. we were both 14 at the time, still too young for any sort of romance to show up.

yet in that moment, i felt as if i already loved him as more than a best friend.

tom was a mix of all of his brothers together. he knew how to make me laugh in the worst of times. he could simply cheer me up with a smile and a soda.

he also knew how to talk me through any situation. nobody necessarily liked me during our school years, well at least besides tom. too bad those were only for the years he actually went to school.

he also seemed pretty good at breaking my heart. his career took off, and i couldn't wait around for him.

in all honesty, i wasn't the same person when tom stopped talking to me. it all happened do suddenly. i would even try to hang out with his brother as much as possible when he was home, but he would never utter a word to me.

he had made me feel like i wasn't worth anything anymore. he practically had girls chasing after him in the streets, so why would he ever want to go for sage grover?

eventually, i stopped hanging around the felton house. tom's older brothers still hung out with me quite often, just at my house instead.

they seemed to notice what was going on between me and tom. i felt as if they were only hanging around me to stay away from him as well.

he had changed in his teenage years. quiet drastically i might add. between the ages of 14 and 15, puberty had hit him like a truck. in all honesty, i was jealous.

he always seemed to have a girl hanging around, and it would make my heart ache.

what sucked even more is it felt like me and him would constantly cross paths after that.

our family's grew closer and closer as the years went on. when i was a teenager, my parents worked a little less which meant i could spend more time with them. they ended up becoming best friends with sharon and peter felton.

after that, we spent every event together. christmas, birthdays, thanksgiving, even went on vacations together every once in awhile.

yet, no matter how close we were physically, i couldn't get my best friend back.

let's just say, time definitely changes both of us.

it had been 10 years since i last talked to tom. as i have heard, he has build quite a life for himself.

the harry potter franchise turned into a worldwide phenomenon, making tom known as the "bad boy". he took many other acting jobs and you pretty much always saw him on the media.

he even managed to find himself a girlfriend. her name was jade and even i had to admit, she was absolutely gorgeous. she even managed to make an appearance in the last harry potter film.

i, on the other hand, am now veterinarian. i take my job to the next level, i don't just do normal household pets you find on the streets.

i have been called all over the world to take care of animals such as horses, monkeys, even a bear at a zoo once.

i was thriving in my early twenties, that's for sure. tragedy happened, turning my life upside down.

i ended up moving back in with my parents for a couple of years. surprise, they still lived next to the felton's.

tom had moved out pretty quickly once he turned 19. his brothers were all moved out pretty quickly as well, but still stayed around often.

i managed to find my friendship back with all of them. some of them have already been married and started a family. even after all of that, they still managed to take care of me when i was at my lowest.

about a year ago, i started traveling again for my job. in all honesty, traveling is what really made me
become a little bit happy again. i met amazing people and got to take care of animals i love.

yet, even then, i still kept an eye on tom.

me and him still had no communication between each other.

i begun noticed him and jade had also been traveling the world together, he seemed happy. probably happier than he would have even been with me.

either way, there was nothing i would be able to do for tom now. hopefully we can just pray he won't come to thanksgiving this year, like he never does.

words between us • tom feltonWhere stories live. Discover now