

"So tell me about B.W"

Amelia just sighed and knew that it was going to be a long night. Amelia first explained how she lost her memories, then she went on how she forgot about B.W, she told her how when Benny entered her life she started to remember bits of B.W, next on how she had gotten close to Benny and never told her, next she talked about how she told Benny that she didn't want to remember, then how he got mad and slept with beth. At the end of her whole speech, Amelia was exhausted. 

Jolene just looked utterly shocked with all the information. Amelia had let Jolene with no words which were very rare since well it's Jolene. Amelia looked at Jolene and just said "I'll let you sleep on it since it's late." 

With that Amelia pushed Jolene out of her room and went to turn in. 

Jolene, Beth, and Amelia were in Jolene's car. They were listening to "Jimmy Mack", Amelia was in the back seat while Beth and Jolene were in the front seat. Amelia didn't mind sitting in the back she didn't want to talk since she was going to zone out instead of talk. 

"How much does a paralegal make, anyway?" Beth asked Jolene which she answers with a smirk, "Not enough to buy this car if that's what you're wondering. Was a gift from one of the partners at the firm."

Amelia zoned the rest of the conversation out still thinking about Benny. Amelia thought that since she would have to go back to New York she would tell Benny. Amelia had to find a way to tell Beth that she wouldn't be able to go with her to Russia since the company she works at isn't big they decide for Amelia to stay in New York revising and sharing what she has then once Beth was back to interview her then that would be it. 

They had gone first to Amelia and Beth's mom's trailer. Amelia didn't get down from the car she hadn't told Beth she was here before with Benny. Amelia had remembered that before Mich's death all three of them have gone there for Amelia for she could get closer and open a new chapter. 

They had arrived at the orphanage which looked the same as it always did. 

"You wanna go in, throw some rocks through the windows?" Jolene said to Beth. Beth looked at the orphanage and saw kids coming out of it running they seem happy. 

"I just realized I don't ever wanna go back in there again," Beth said while still looking at the orphanage. 

They went to the church and sat the very back. 

"Mrs. Deardoff isn't here. None of them are." Beth whispered.

"Deardoff fell and bore her hip. Right after you let. She had to walk with a cane after. Was never the same. Made me almost believe in God."Jolene said while giving a face to Amelia that said why didn't you tell her. Amelia just shrugged it off. The ceremony continued until Beth spoke again.

"None of them are crying," 

"They all look like they're waiting in line at the bank. You okay?" Jolene whispers back to her. Amelia was about to say something to be quiet until Beth spoke again which stopped her.

"I feel bad. I owed him ten dollars." Jolene started laughing but was trying hard not to. Amelia just holds in her laughter since she knew someone was going to say shh. As if on cue once Amelia thought that someone had told Jolene to shh. Amelia stifled a chuckle.

"I changed my mind," Beth said. 

They arrived back at the orphanage and Beth went out of the car saying she'd only be a minute. Amelia staying in the car not wanting to enter the orphanage. Jolene knew this that's why she never asked her if she wanted to go in. 

Amelia had so many memories there mostly bad ones but some good. Once Beth had stepped into the building Jolene's face turned to look at Amelia. Amelia knew that they were going to continue their previous conversation. 

"So I've been thinking and I agree with you, you need answers so you should go talk to Benny," Jolene said. Amelia just nodded she didn't know what to say, she just wanted the conversation to be over. Jolene got the hint and turned back. 

Jolene had always like Amelia more than Beth since she didn't get adopted and stayed. So Jolene knew to respect Amelia privacy 

Once Beth had come back both Jolene and Amelia were smoking. When Jolene asked Amelia first said no but then gave in. 

Beth had brought back a photo of Mr. Shaibel. Beth had started crying Jolene went in and hugged Beth. 

"Oh, honey. Aw, did you bite off more than you can chew? Aw, it's okay?" Jolene had brought her into a hug. All Amelia could place her hand on Beth's shoulder as comfort and say she'll be okay. They left after that. 

Amelia had sent Jolene to go buy groceries just for she can talk to Beth. 

"Beth I know how you're feeling right now, I also lost someone very close to me. I kn0w Mr. Shaibel was like  a father figure to you and that he brought you to this world." Amelia said while hugging Beth on the couch. Beth just nodded in return and let her tears run down. 

After a while of hugging Beth finally spoke, "How did Mich die and when did he die." Amelia looked at her with sadness in her eyes she felt like they were glistening she knew if she talked about it she wouldn't be there for beth so that why she said this.  

"I can't talk about it right now, I need to talk about it with someone first then I will I promise." Beth nodded and just hugged her by the waist as she laid her head in Amelia's lap. Amelia just rubbed her back in a comforting way they sat there until Jolene came back and said that she was hungry which they all laughed at and went to go eat. 

Throughout the days leading up to Beth going to Moscow, Beth had been making calls after calls trying to get three thousand dollars for her trip there. Jolene has been helping Beth through all that while Amelia was writing everything that was happening and revising everything she has written. 

Amelia had told Beth one night that she wouldn't be able to go with her to Moscow Beth was bummed about it but understood especially since she was in that same position until Jolene said that she'll give her some money. Amelia had decided that she would try to help Beth from all the way to New York. 

Amelia decided that she would help gather as many people who knew how to play chess as they can call her and come up with plays that can happen while playing over there.  Amelia first called Beltik which he agreed to quickly but said that he didn't know many people who played chess well to help. Amelia had said that she would take care of it and to meet her in New York in a few days. 

The second call she made was to Benny, she was really nervous since the last time she said anything to him was that she wanted to remeber. Benny answered after the third ring which Amelia suspected since Beth and Benny weren't on good terms. Amelia quickly told Benny her plan and said Benny owed her since he left the dinner without even playing and that fact he slept with her sister. After saying all that Benny complied without a protest, when he was about to ask something Amelia, she quickly ended the call. 

Amelia had said her goodbyes and left the same day as Beth to New York. 

The other sister // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now