My favorite chef- Sagishi x Teruteru

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(This is an Mastermind Sagishi AU aka mastermind imposter AU)
(Ryota is also in here)
(Gundham and Hajime both grew up with each other)
(Hajime has an talent, it is Ultimate Animal caretaker)

(Sagishi POV)

I was the mastermind behind the killing game, I fell in love with Teruteru in high school. He doesn't remember what happened in high school and that he was an Ultimate Despair, I still love him, I'll just make him remember, he has been hanging out with a boy named Hajime Hinata, I don't really have an opinion on him. Hajime wasn't in our class, I think that he is from a different class, his Ultimate talent is Animal caretaker but he was still an remnant of despair, he mostly hanged around Gundham, probably because of his talent. From what I seen since we got here is that he has been hanging out with Gundham. Gundham lets him get away with stuff that he normal won't let people get away with. He doesn't mind when Hajime hugs or touches him, Gundham is very protective of him, and he is wary of other people around Hajime. I will have to find out about that, I asked Hajime if I could speak with him and he agreed, we both went to the kitchen and I told Teruteru to leave and he left.

(Gundham POV)

Me and my prince were in Hope's Peak Academy and then we were kidnapped onto an island into an killing game. We both decided that we should hide that we grew up together because we didn't want anyone to accuse us of lying about our alibis if one of us is accused of killing someone. I saw that the leader fiend asked my prince to speak to him and he agreed, I was very cautious and I followed them to the kitchen and the leader fiend asked the perverted chef to leave the kitchen and he noticed me and I gave him a sign to be quiet. I pressed my back near where they were talking, "So what's your relationship with Gundham?" The leader fiend asked "Well... we both agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone about us relationship." My prince said "I won't tell anyone." The leader fiend said, my prince was a little suspicious until my prince said "We- well if you don't tell him if I tell you then I'll tell and since you're basically our leader for now on... We grew up with each other, he was basically my only friend.". I could tell the reason why my prince told the leader fiend, he believed since the leader fiend is supposed to protect everyone then it would be okay for him to know the relationships between people. They talked for a bit more and I decided that I would leave now and I headed back to the dining room and they both came back a few minutes later. My prince then came back over to me and hugged me and smiled at me and he when he was going to let me go and then the power blacked out and he clung onto me. I knew since we were little, the other kids locked him a closet for hours and would leave him there until I came and let him out. My prince then buried his head on my chest because he found that place safe and when we were kids and when I let him out of the closet, he would do that. Then the lights came back on, every fiend including my prince was panicking a bit, then we all found the leader fiend dead under an table. I lost my hell hound earring and my prince told me that it might be under the floor boards, I took the gaming fiend and we investigated outside and we found nothing. My prince came outside and told me that he needed the fiend and they both went back inside. My prince was investigating with the cloud hair fiend and the gamer girl fiend, then it was time for class trial and I found my hell hound earring, I found an opening in the storage room under some boxes.

(Timeskip to after the trial)

(Hajime POV)

I didn't know what to feel about Teruteru being the culprit. I was close to him and he was kind to me, I missed him. I woke up and I head to the restaurant, and I headed to where Gundham was and I sat down next to him "Why should we feel bad for the pervert? He killed someone. At least Mr. Hamhands didn't kill anyone." Hiyoko said "Hiyoko, I don't think you should say that. He did it to protect us from Nagito, he killed Byakuya on accident." I said "You feel bad for the chef? Are you going to kill someone too?" Hiyoko retorted "No, I'm not. I'm just saying that you can't speak bad about the dead." I said "Yeah right. I saw you two hang out a lot, you even spend a lot of time with the emo boy." Hiyoko said "Why are you even insulting Gundham? He wasn't even a part of this conversation. And what does it matter if I hanged out with Teruteru, it still doesn't change the fact that he died." I said "Whatever who even cares about him besides you?" Hiyoko said "...." I didn't replied. I just sat back down "Ha guess you didn't have anymore to say." Hiyoko said "Shut up Hiyoko." I muttered but she didn't hear me.

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