The Harvest Part 1

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Luke tries to bite me but burns himself on the cross that the stranger gave me and backs away.  I kick him out of the coffin.  "Buffy?  Are you ok?" I ask her.  "Yeah, but I would be better without you on me," she says making me roll my eyes.  We climb out and run outside.  We eventually catch up with Zander, Willow, and Jesse.  I see Willow on the ground about to be bitten.  "No!  Get off!"  "Hey!" I yell kicking him off of Willow.  The vampire gets up and runs away.  I follow Buffy as she goes after the other vampires.  I hear Willow running behind us.  We find Xander being dragged away by to vampires.  "Xander!"  With that distraction Buffy and I go after them.  Buffy throws me a piece of a branch she breaks off.  She turns hers into ash.  Mine starts to run away but with aim I throw the stake and take him out.  "Xander, are you ok?" Willow asks him.  "Man, something hit me."  "Where's Jesse?" Buffy asks.  "I don't know!  They surrounded us," Willow says.  "That girl grabbed him and took off," Xander says.  "Which way?" I ask.  "I don't know."  Buffy and I get up and look around the cemetery.  "Jesse," she whispers.  We go to the library and tell Giles what happened.  We all sit down and he spins the globe and stops it.  "This world is older than any of you know.  Contrary to popular mythology, it did not begin as a paradise.  For untold eons demons walked the Earth.  They made it their home, their...their Hell.  But in time they lost their purchase on this reality.  The way was made for mortal animals, for, for man.  All that remains of the old ones are vestiges, certain magics, certain creatures..."  "And vampires," I say.  "Ok, this is where I have a problem.  See, because we're talking about vampires.  We're having a talk with vampires in it," Xander says.  "Isn't that what we saw last night?" Willow asks.  "No.  North-those weren't vampires, those were just guys in thundering need of a facial," Buffy says.  "Or, maybe they had rabies.  It could have been rabies.  A-and that guy turning to dust?  Just a trick of the light," I say.  Xander gives us a look.  "That's exactly what we said the first time we saw a vampire.  Well, after we were done with the screaming part," Buffy says.  "Oh, I, I need to sit down," Willow says as she's sitting.  "You are sitting," I say.  "Oh.  Good for me."  "So vampires are demons?" Xander asks.  "The books tell the last demon to leave this reality fed off a human, mixed their blood.  He was a human form possessed, infected by the demon's should.  He bit another, and another, and so they walk the Earth, feeding...Killing some, mixing their blood with others to make more of their kind.  Waiting for the animals to die out, and the old ones to return," Giles explains.

In the sewers Darla and Luke force Jesse into the Master's lair.  "Move!" Luke yells.  Once inside Luke forces Jesse down the slope to the floor as the Master approaches.  "Is this for me?" he asks.  "An offering, Master."  "He's a good one!  His blood is pure!" Darla says to him looking for praise.  "You've tasted it," the Master says to her making her look down in shame.  "I'm your...faithful dog.  You bring me scraps."  "I, I didn't mean it..." she says.  "I have waited.  For three score years I have waited.  While you come and go I am stuck here, here in this house of...worship!  My ascension is almost at hand.  Pray that when it comes..."  He takes Darla by the neck.  "I'm in a better mood."  "Master, forgive me!  We had more offerings, but there was trouble.  Two girls!"  "There were two girls.  They fought well and they knew of our breed.  It is possible that they may be..."  "A Slayer and a Caster!"  

"And that would be a what?" Xander asks.  "For as long as there have been vampires, there's been the Slayer and the Caster.  Two girls in all the world, the Chosen Two."  "He loves doing this part," I say.  "Alright.  The Slayer and the Caster hunt vampires, Buffy is a Slayer and Lily is a Caster, don't tell anyone.  Well, I think that's all the vampire information you need," Giles says.  "Except for one thing: how do you kill them?" Xander asks.  "You don't, we do," Buffy says emphasizing the "We".  "Well, Jesse's my..."  "Jesse is our responsibility.  We let him get taken," I say.  "That's not true."  "If you two hadn't shown up they would have taken us, too.  Does anybody mind if I pass out?" Willow asks.  "Breathe," Buffy and I tell her.  "Breathe."  "Breathe.  This big guy, Luke.  He talked about an offering to the Master.  Now, I don't know what or who, but they weren't feeding then Jesse may still be alive.  We're going to find him," Buffy says.  "Uh, this may be a dumb question, but shouldn't we call the police?" Willow asks.  "And they'd believe us, of course," Giles says sarcastically.  "Well, we don't have to say vampires.  We, we could just say that there's a, a bad man," Willow says.  "They couldn't handle it even if they did show up.  They'd only come with guns," I say.  "You have no idea where they took Jesse?" Giles asks us.  "We looked around, but soon as they got clear of the graveyard, they could have just, voom!" I say.  "They can fly?" Xander asks.  "They can drive," I say.  "Oh."  "I don't remember hearing a car," Willow points out. "Let's take an enormous intuitive leap, shall we, and say they went underground," Giles says.  "Vampires really jam on sewer systems.  You can get anywhere in the entire town without catching any rays.  But I didn't see any access around there.  Did you?" Buffy asks me.  I shake my head no.  "Well, there's an electrical tunnel that runs under the whole town," Xander says.  "If we had a diagnostic of the tunnel system it might indicate a, a meeting place, it would, uh...I suppose we could go to the building commission," Giles suggests.  "We so don't have the time," I point out.  "Uh, guys?  There may be another way," Willow says.

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