Chapter Three: Jason... What Did You Do...

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-Lee's P.O.V-

|Time skip to lunchtime of Valentine's Day, brought to you by Astro Boy/Jason/MinecraftUniverse|

I readjusted my glasses before taking another bite of the cheese and ham sandwich I had for lunch. It was just gone one in the afternoon, meaning the school dance was just under six hours away. My stomach was already churning with nerves, so much I could barely touch my food as my appetite had deserted me. Perhaps what worried me most of all was the fact that I had no idea what Jason was doing to ask her out for me: come on, this guy once jumped out of a plane screaming, "Alexandra, I love you!" Then he found out she was my little sister and, well, the whole thing fell apart very quickly.

My heart practically did a backflip out of my chest when my phone began ringing. I answered it quickly.

"Jason, what's going on?"

I heard him practically choking with laughter down the phone. "Dude, you need to check your e-mail right now!" he cried, "This is brilliant!" My whole body went cold and I flattened my ears in worry. "Jason... What did you do..." I growled, getting up from the kitchen table and running upstairs to my room, where I had my laptop still on. "Oh, I hacked your e-mail account and sent her a message asking her to the dance," he replied, which made me stop halfway through loading up my e-mail page. "You did what?" I exclaimed.

"Really easy to hack, actually. You're a smart bear Lee, I thought you knew that '1234' is by no means a secure password."

I scowled, knowing he couldn't see me, and felt a lump rise in my throat as I opened up an e-mail from, whom I could only guess was Amy. I practically fainted when I first read it.

Hey sugar lips, I hear you want to tango with an angel? Well you, my little cutie pie, can come to the vending machine in the school cafeteria the moment you get there tonight and we can spend the rest of the evening locked in a blaze of burning passion, sì? Come and get me, Prince Charming~

I read it over twice more, and then I actually did faint.

"Uh, Lee? You still there? Should I hang up or something? Lee?"

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