Holy F*ck (quite literally)

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"Please, please master please." he begged, trying to turn his head to you.

"I want you to watch yourself in that water, don't look away and don't speak or I may just have to push you under." you responded bending over him to whisper in his ear.

"Keep walking, I want to get out of here as soon as possible." Warren yelled as you were walking down the street in an old town that had been overrun by Z's.

"We're right behind you!" you yelled back while purposefully slowing down.

"Can we walk a little faster, I don't want Warren to yell at me" 10k whispered in your ear.

"Don't tell me what to do or we may have to have a repeat of last night, and then warren won't be the one yelling." you said while straightening your back to tower over him.

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am" he said staring at his feet.

You raise your hand to move his face towards you, and seeing the tears in his eyes you start to pull him off to the side while yelling some excuse about seeing movement in the building. It isn't until you are inside that you realize you've just pulled 10k into an abandoned church. You slowly let go of his hand to check for surrounding Z's but when you come back you see him sitting in a pew whimpering. You walk over to comfort him and see what's wrong but the closer you start to see the quick movement of his right arm. As a smile forms on your face you slowly sneak up behind him.

"You having fun, there? Like knowing God can see you being such a fucking slut?" you whisper in his ear. He whines high in his throat and you can hear the soft break in his voice.

"Yeah, or maybe you just like being a disrespectful little whore." He tries to answer but as soon as his mouth is open you put your fingers in it, so all he can do is moan.

"I'll take that as a yes, but you don't need God to think that of you, I already do. What with your little stunt yesterday?" you say loud enough that if anyone had been there they would have immediately looked your way.

"But it's fine, masters already forgiven you for that." You pause to take a deep breath and slowly inch your hand up to his neck." What you pulled earlier on the other hand, I'm still not over."

"I'm sorry, please master." he whined with his eyes shut and his chest moving quickly.

"Please what, please leave me alone, please fuck me." you lean closer and growl in his ear. "Please what?"

"Please master, fuck me, anything, please." he whimpers out.

"Go lean over the baptism pool" seeing his confused look you decide to explain. "I want you to see yourself as I fuck you."

You see him nearly trip over himself in his rush to make you happy. You can hear him start to whine as you slowly walk your way to him, dragging your fingers across the pews as you went. You break the silence telling him to strip, the echo of the statement shocking both you and him. With shaking hands he slowly pulls off all of his clothes until he is left in just his underwear.

"Aw, the whore wants to be a smartass, I meant naked and you know it." you growl into his ear.

"I'm sorry master, please don't leave." He whines out looking like he is about to start crying again.

"Even if I was planning on leaving you whining like a whore isn't gonna help keep me here, but its ok because I wasn't planning on leaving." You lower your voice and get close enough he can feel your breath on his neck.

 "Going a little rougher than necessary - yes, but leaving - not in a million years. Who could leave such a pathetic slut to fend for themselves. Couldn't even make yourself cum, you would die of frustration in two days."

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