Waking up

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I don't own Marvel or any characters they all either belong to Disney or Sony. Anyways enjoy chapter two.

It was Harry's turn to go in and see Peter. Everyone else had gone and he was the last to go in. He stepped into the dimly lit room and saw Aunt May by Peter's bedside. He came to sit on the other side.

"Hey, Pete," he said taking Peter's hand in his. "I'm sorry this happened."

Aunt May looked at him sadly. "It wasn't your fault."

"But I blame myslef. I should of realized Norman was up to something and tried to stop him," Harry said.

"Harry, this is not your fault, and you can not blame yourself," Aunt May insisted. "Peter wouldn't want you to blame yourself."

"I know, Aunt May, but I still do," Harry said. "The only thing I can think of doing to fix this is find Norman and put a stop to it."

"And you will, but you must stop blaming yourself. Norman is to blame not you," Ain't May said.

She felt like she was going in circles trying to convince him it was not his fault. Harry just wouldn't stop blaming himself. If only Peter was awake he would tell Harry it wasnt his fault. Maybe then Harry would believe them.

"You know Peter would tell you it was not your fault," Aunt May said.

"He would wouldn't he?" Harry replied.

"He would," Aunt May said.

Harry returned to talking to Peter hoping it would bring him back to them sooner. He talked of nothing in particular much like Tony had when he had been in the room.

Meanwhile Peter was slowly becoming aware. First he became aware of voices but he couldnt make out what they were saying. Next he felt heavy like he was being weighed down. Then he noticed someone or two someones holding his hand. He tried to focus on the voices, but couldnt. He didnt know who they were or where he was. He must of made some kind of noise or movement or nose because the hands holding his tightened and the voices were closer.

Aunt May and Harry had heard Peter groan while Harry had been talking to Peter. Stopping midsentence Harry tightened his grip on Peter's hand. May did the same.

"Come on Pete, wakeup. Open those brown eyes of yours," May said.

"Come on, please, wakeup. You can do it," Harry said.

Peter groaned again and Aunt May pressed the button on the bed to alert the doctor. The doctor came rushing in.

"What is it? What is wrong?" The doctor asked followed closely by Dr. Strange and Tony.

"We think hes waking up," Harry said.

Tony came to stand behind behind Harry as the two doctors checked the monitors. "What did he do to make you think that?"

"He groaned several times," Aunt May said.

"May, that doesnt mean hes waking up necessarily," Strange said.

"But he had been silent prior to it. He has to be waking up he has to," Aunt May said.

Harry was focusing on Peter. "Come on Pete, please. Open your eyes for us.

Peter groaned again. The voices were clearer. He could hear Aunt May and Harry now, but he still felt so heavy. He couldnt open his eyes.

"Come on Underroos open those brown eyes," Tony said and Peter groaned again.

"Maybe he can hear us afterall," Strange said courious. "Keep talking to him."

Aunt May, Tony, and Harry continued to talk to Peter for around ten minutes. Finally Peter managed to open his eyes for a second before closing them and whimpering.

"Its to bright in here his enhanced sences can't handle the little light there is," Tony said. The light were turned off the other doctor present. He then left the room to let Dr. Strange talk to Peter.

"Pete," Harry whispered. "Can you hear me?"

"Peter?" Aunt May asked.

Peter nodded sluggishly. "Where am I?" Peter asked.

"You are in the hospital," Aunt May said softly.

"There was an explosion when you were trying to take down the Green Goblin. You got hurt pretty bad and needed surgrey," Tony whispered.

"What?" Peter asked.tryi g to ait up. "I was hurt? How bad?"

Peter looked down at all the bandages on his chest and began to panic.

"Woah, woah, hey calm down," Tony said. He and Tony went to restrain Peter from hurting himself. "You are ok. Just calm down."

"I can't. How bad is it," Peter asked as they let him go.

"It was bad Pete, I won't lie to you. You had us scared there," Harry said.

"Aunt May?" Peter asked.

"I think Tony should explain what they had to do. Afterall he knows from expiwrence," May said.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter questioned.

"Kid, it was bad. We thought you would die. The doctors removed as much of the shrapnel as they could. Unfortunately they could not remove it all. To keep it from going into your heart the doctors had to put in an arc reactor. I'm sorry," Tony said.

Peter didnt know what to say or how to react. "Can I see it?" He finally asked.

"Tomorrow," Dr. Strangw said. Everyone had forgotten he was there. "Tomorrow we will remove the bandages and you can see the arc reactor. With your accelerated healing you should be mostly healed by then anyways."

"So I have an are reactor now?"

"Yes," Tony answered.

"Cool. I always wanted to be like you. I guess now I am," Peter said.

"Yeah I  just didn't think you would go this far to be like me. You nearly gave me a heart attack, Pete. I swear you will be the death of me," Tony said.

"Ita not like I meant for this to happen. It was an accident," Pete said.

"Why dont we let you rest," Dr. Strange said.

Peter nodded. He liked that idea. Rest seemed nice right now. "I like that idea," Peter mumbled.

Doctor Strange ushered everyone out of the room. Aunt May and Tony giving Peter a kiss on the forehead and Harry gently hugging Peter though Peter couldn't do much to hug back.

"I love you, Peter. I am so glad you are ok," Aumt May whispered before leaving the room.

"Glad to see you alive and awake kid," Tony said.

"I'm glad you are alive, Pete. You scared me. I'm happy I still have my best friend," Harry said before leaving the room.

"Get some rest, Pete and we will see you bright and early in the morning," Doctor Srange said.

Peter sighed before falling back into a deep sleep to tired to worry about what had happened and to tired to actually remember any of this tomorrow.

Hope you enjoyed it. Next Chapter Peter sees the Arc Reactor for the first time and begins to worry and question. Tell me what you think and leave a review.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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