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Welcome to them having Miyuki. This part is a bit later than others because I wasn't feeling well. My migraine diagnosis may be worsening. I'll keep you all updated. Also Maki is in this part because I didn't wanna think of a name for the doctor that lived in their apartment. She moved okay. And Nico came with her


November is typically an autumn month for most when referring to the weather. Here on the other hand the weather is basically like winter. We get snow, we get ice, we get it all. We even get snow in October if I'm being honest here.

But this November was different. There was quite the blizzard out there. That worried me for one reason. Miyuki would be coming within this week. I was sure of it.

It was also the week that December started. And while November went well, December 1st became quite eventful.

First off, we lived in an apartment. A decent sized one for a family of 3-4. We were also in the middle of looking for a house to move into. And today, December 1st Miyuki decided to be born.

But there was one problem. We couldn't leave the building. The snow storm was still bad.

So before the pain became bad enough, one of us called the doctor we needed to call. And the other called the landlord. The landlord would probably get complaints because of this so it's best to let them know now.  Our landlord is nonbinary and perfers gender neutral terms.

Shortly after the calls a knock was at our door

When Chika answered it and let the person inside, I was surprised. A violet eyed redhead stood in front of me.

Maki from μ's was standing there with something in her hand. A case of some sort.

She saw the look on my face went to "oh my god it's Maki" for a moment and she spoke

"Your doctor called me knowing the weather conditions and that fact that I live here. So I was sent to help you."

"What about Mikan, our oldest daughter" Chika said, as if she read my mind. That's exactly what I was thinking

Just then a black haired woman showed herself. She was holding Mikan. Again I was shocked. Nico Yazawa was going to watch our daughter.

I wanted to fangirl. I admit it. But I was in too much pain to do so. Chika was also holding back. For similar reasons. She needed to be there for me.

And while I had Miyuki, Nico played with Mikan. Keeping her happy and safe.

And eventually Miyuki was born. Another cute little baby.

When Miyuki was cleaned off she was of course crying. Chika handed her a small blanket we had. A baby blanket. Miyuki was wrapped up in it and then handed to me.

Miyuki instantly stopped crying as soon as she was in my arms. She felt safe with me didn't she? Aww good little girl. I wanted to cry too. I was so happy. My daughters made me so happy.

I kissed Miyuki's little head and asked for Maki to get Mikan in here

Mikan ran into the room when she was told her sister was here. She saw baby Miyuki and looked really happy

"Mama! Is this sissy?"

"Yes. This is Miyuki. Now please be a bit quieter. I know you're really excited about having a baby sister but please"


"If things get too loud she will cry. You don't wanna make her cry do you?"


"Then please try to be a bit quieter okay?"

"Okay mama"

Mikan will be a great sister.

Also Miyuki did look more like me. She had light purple hairs on her head. Of course colors will darken as she gets older. She had my eyes too. I'm so happy seeing that. Considering Mikan looks more like Chika color wise. Of course with my facial features. Miyuki has my colors and Chika's facial features.

We had some pictures taken. We even had a picture taken of Mikan excitingly holding her sister while sitting in the middle of the bed, her back against the wall.

The picture came out perfect. I posted it online for everyone to see.

Most of the people commented wonderful things.

And haters were still hating. What else is new

But my new daughter was the cutest little baby ever. Of course just as cute as her sister was as a baby.

I'm so happy to have all these people in my life.

I'm not just a singer. I'm a mother.

Yes we did get our singing career started. It's been a fun start.

We will still dance too. But of course this time I'll need to build my stamina back up. It's been about 3-4 years of being unable to do anything to do that. I've got a lot of work to do here. But I know I can do it. But of course I have another big thing to do. Take care of these 2 little cuties. My daughters.

Perhaps we should get them a pet to play with. Maybe a puppy or kitten. That would be nice. Perhaps adopting one from a shelter. One that is good with kids. They deserve love too after all

I think I may wanna wait until Miyuki is old enough to help pick an animal out though. Both girls picking out the one they want would make them both happy. That's what I want.

Miyuki may not have been able to smile yet but she seemed like a happy baby. It's still surprising to me that kids this cute can be mine. They are also Chika's though and Chika is cute. Maybe that's why they're so cute.

Two adorable daughters. Perhaps they can attend the same schools Leah and I did. I wonder if the elementary teachers I had are still there. I remember it was lonely when I first started school. Going there alone. But when my sister started school I had someone to walk there with. When you're that young you don't really have friends to walk with.

I don't want my little girls to feel lonely. My cute little girls don't deserve to feel lonely. They will get all the love they need from Chika and I and their future friends.

Our daughters will get everything they need. They will be spoiled but of course not overly spoiled. They can't get everything they want when they ask for it. They need to learn things like the other kids do.

We will do our best with what we've got. Not just for us but for them

I hope you enjoyed this. Also I'm planning to see my headache doctor for the migraines. I'll keep you guys updated

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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