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IT WAS THE DAY of Harry's return to Hogwarts and Wiera, nor Sirius, were happy about it

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IT WAS THE DAY of Harry's return to Hogwarts and Wiera, nor Sirius, were happy about it.

She finally got to spend time with her nephew and then he has to leave.

They were both in tears when they said their goodbye's. "Promise you'll write to me?" Wiera asked softly.

"Only if you write back." Harry grinned.

"Gosh I'm gonna miss you so much," she kissed his forehead.

"I'll miss you too, Wie. "

Her heart stopped for a moment. The only person who had ever called her Wie, was Lily Evans. She hadn't heard that nickname in over 14 years now.

"I love you Haz. Try not to get into too much trouble, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," Harry scoffed. "I love you too"

And with that, he left, leaving Wiera to deal with her emotional mess.


It had now been three weeks since Harry had left and it was safe to say that Sirius was quite bored.

The only thing he had been excited for, was today. He knew that Remus and Wiera would come back from their missions and he had put together a plan to get them together.

They both arrived at the same time, much to Wiera's dismay, and walked into the kitchen only to find nobody waiting for them.

Wiera was about to call out Sirius' name but quickly noticed that the door beind them had now been locked.

"I'm not going to let you out until you're being friends or snog partners again. The tension between you two is killing every single one of us so please, I am begging you, talk it out," Sirius said before leaving them alone.

"I'm gonna kill that piece of shit," Wiera murmured. "Okay listen up, Remus. You did something so cruel that I cannot and will not ever be able to forgive. I can't forget what you've done, but I will ignore you and I wll not be making any rude remarks. We won't ever be friends, so if you don't come into my way, i won't come into yours. We'll be friendly with each other when we have to, but there will be no such thing as friendship between us. Understood?"

"Yeah....," he said rather disappointedly.

𝙡𝙚𝙛𝙩 𝙢𝙚 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ remus lupinKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat