Chapter 9

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That was pretty easy, "didn't you say you hate chocolates?" I ask utterly confused by his sudden change of heart. "Didn't you hear me? I said I'd do anything for you" oh god! He is giving me that cheeky smile again, this will never get old. 'Anything for me?' that is too big of a promise to keep, anyway it is good to hear so I don't mind, "alright then, why don't you try this one for me?" I say handing him one of my newest combinations. He takes it and I look at him expectantly, it's taken almost a month to master this one and if it fails...well...if it fails I'll have to try harder. I know Mark is the best choice for this because he isn't biased, and I can always count on him for honest answers. He took a slow bite and my eyes immediately snapped to his lips, dark from the chocolate and so luscious I had the sudden urge to bite on them but I stayed put. Then his head rolled back and an involuntary moan escaped his mouth, by this point I didn't even care about the chocolate, the sound of his moan sent a shiver down my spine. I wanted to hear it again but this time around I want to be the one to give it to him.

I was so transfixed by the moments of his mouth and his head lulling back that I wish I could pounce on him in that very moment and devour him whole but I knew I couldn't, because this stupid thing called 'brain' constantly reminded me of what was on stake. If I gave in to the urge I will ones again be left buried deep into the ground, I could feel all my lady parts heat up so fast and strong if he hadn't snapped his fingers in front of my face, I swear I would have lost it "I thought I lost you there" he asked me while snapping me out of my trance. 'Damn right you lost me there!'

I clear my throat in an attempt to get my bearings back together but it does nothing to calm the heat that's racing through my veins. I can feel my cheeks heat up and my whole body pumping with adrenaline, it will be so easy to just give into the urge but I just can't, why? No reason here buddy. I blink a few times through my lust filled gaze, sighing I ask "how do you like it?" hoping he doesn't see the remnants of longing in my eyes. "Are you kidding me? Didn't you figure it out from my expression?" his eyes are glistening with anticipation, he looks like a little kid trying out chocolates for the very first time. "No I didn't, please elaborate" I want to hear it from him, call me childish but I really live for his approval.

"They were better than the Baci you gave me the first time I was here, it's perfect! How many of them have you made right now?" god! He looks more excited about this than I had anticipated. I smile, "fifty pieces, why do ask?" I say, "I want them, I want them all, I'll pay of course" I laugh this time "says the man who admitted to hating chocolates, how ironic" he is frowning at me now and damn if it isn't cute. "You are cute when you are frowning, you know?" I say with a wide grin on my face, "And you are an extremely cruel woman, making fun of me like that Ms. Cooper. Tsk tsk you definitely deserve a punishment for this" his voice has turned husky now and I can feel my panties dampen. Why does he affect me so much is beyond me, my cheeks heat up and I look down in embarrassment I don't know what entered my body at that moment but I felt involuntarily bold. "Punish me then" my voice is so soft, I don't think anyone except me could hear it.

But he did, he heard it loud and clear and now he is smirking at me in that smug way that makes my insides burn. Looking at me with raised eyebrows, he takes a step towards me and just as quickly he is in front of me, caging me with his hands on either side of me, my breath hitches at the close proximity of our bodies. I look him in the eye and all I can see is lust, pure animalistic lust that I want to experience so badly, my insides are screaming. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, he leans down to speak into my ears "I will. But only when you are mine." He says and I want to scream 'I'm YOURS!'



Her reaction to me is so fascinating it just makes me want to tease her even more. No one, and I mean absolutely not a single soul is as responsive as she is, that being said I want her even more now. She's a quivering mess standing like that underneath me and as much as I love to test her boundaries, I do not wish to cross them. I back off and she breath's a sigh of relief, I smirk "that's enough punishment for a day" I say and she just nods as if words aren't something she knows. "So, what are we doing tonight?" I said this so calmly, I couldn't believe myself. Me, the CEO of Blue Space, one of the largest tech companies in the world, is asking a girl if she's free when I'm the one with loads of work pending. I'm slowly turning into a pussy for this girl, that alpha male who got any and every lady he'd laid eyes on is long gone and for the first time that thought doesn't scare the crap out of me.

"'We are doing nothing tonight" she said with a smirk of her own, god! This woman is difficult. "Do you have plans with someone?" I asked as if I didn't care but deep down rage was boiling in my veins. "Yes actually, I have a certain someone coming to meet me today" now she was just getting into my nerves, my face was getting hotter by the second and if it was possible steam would flow freely through my ears. "Does this someone happen to be special?" I asked through gritted teeth, "yes very special" she was biting down her lips to cover her smile. "Don't play games with me Lizzy" I said, barely restraining my anger now. Her express sobered, she lifted her hand and placed it on my shoulder "relax Mark, my best friend is in town and I'm meeting her tonight to catch up" she squeezed my shoulder one's and I immediately relaxed. 'Her', she's meeting a woman, that released the last bit of tension that was hanging in my head. For a moment the thought of her with another man for the rest of the night was terrifying, jealously was a new concept for me and I wasn't good enough at hiding it. I cleared my throat, "that's great, you deserve a break" my heart is aching at the thought of not getting to see her again until tomorrow. "I wanted to spend time with you, I really did but Mia and I haven't seen each other for a really long time and I didn't want to bail on her now" she gave me an apologetic, "hey, it's fine, I think I should leave now" I looked at my watch "It's getting pretty late" I smiled at her and dropped a kiss on her cheek. "Bye Lizzy, meet you tomorrow" she smiled at me and waved "see you tomorrow" with that, I left her shop and got back to my business.

It's funny how conversations with my chocolate vixen affect my demeanor in the office, I look like a lovesick puppy in front of them. That being said, I had to get a grip on my feelings, office and personal life do not mix well together. The day went by as it always does and it clicked me then that I had yet to ask Lizzy for her phone number. I'll do that first thing tomorrow morning. It was at 6:45 in the evening that my phone buzzed with an incoming call, I looked at the caller and instantly smiled "Jason, to what to what do I owe this pleasure?" Jason laughed from the other side, "when was the last time we did a drinks night?" he asks "a couple of weeks ago, why?" I answer. "Yeah that's right, a couple of weeks ago, WEEKS!" he is yelling by now "get to the point man" he sighs "meet me at 'Nirvana' by 8 and you are coming" I didn't want to go, we used to go to Nirvana for an easy lay. Now, I don't need one so what's the point? I was about to say no, when he said "I have news and I need to share it with you. It's important" that caught my attention, if it was something regarding business I had to know.

"Alright, you got me there. I'll swing by at 8 but I'll leave as soon as our little talk is over and you won't persuade me", "deal" Jason said and I could already hear the smile in his voice. Something tells me, I fell right into the trap. Guess we'll have to find out soon.

SO MUCH, FOR LOVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora