Chapter 8

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I couldn't hold myself back anymore, I had to kiss him for being so sweet and adorable (if guys can even be called that) the surprising part was that I believed him, I believed ever single word he told me. Because despite all the rumors that have been going in the media, I know he isn't lying to me, it's all in his eyes, all the emotions he cannot convey to me in words are swirling in his eyes as clear as daylight. We reach at Jimmy's faster than we could have if we walked, Mark gets out first and walks around to open my door, 'ever the gentle' I thank him and he just smiles back at me.

"So Mr. Billionaire, are you street food allergic?" I asked in a mocking tone and he just crinkled his nose in the most delicious way, I laughed at his reaction. "I don't know if you'll believe me or not but I didn't always have so much money, I basically lived on street food all through my college years" he paused to think "and that nick name Mr. Billionaire sounds something out of a porn site, never call me that again" he was smiling so I knew he wasn't offended by the use of my vocabulary. I couldn't control it anymore, I laughed my ass of and then he joined me too I've never felt this comfortable around anyone in a very long time and it feels oddly.....nice.

"What are you going to order?" I asked handing him the small menu the Jimmy's had to offer, "I'm not sure, why don't you order for the both of us" Mark said while giving me a shrug, "hmm....I usually get the double ham cheese burger, fries and chocolate milkshake" I said, "everything except the milkshake" I looked at him in shock, "are you serious, no milkshake? That's wrong!" I shook my head in mock disgust but he just shrugged and said "I told you before, I'm not a fan of chocolates and sweets" 'I need to change that' I thought to myself, I made a mental note of making this guy try all my chocolates just for the sake of fun.

We couldn't stop talking that night, it was as if the conversation flew on its own accord there was nothing awkward or forced here and I didn't realize how much I missed such conversations until I had one with Markus. I understood that his family and business were his first priorities, he also told me about his niece 'Emily' and how she was his favorite person, the way he spoke about her with so much awe and adoration, I knew he loved her dearly. He was so passionate about all the things he loved, I wondered if I would ever be on the receiving end of this passion.

When I found out he was a billionaire I thought he came from one of those privileged families but ones again I was proved wrong. Everything he's built today was because of his determination and hard work, his company "Blue Space" is his life's work, something he built from nothing. They specialize in making apps that help make a difference in world, he says "I want to make the world a better place to live, my apps might not be enough for the whole world but even if small areas are benefited by them then I believe it was a success for me and my work" then he looks at me and asks "tell me about you, why make chocolates when there are so many other things you could do?"

"That's easy, have you seen the smiles on the faces of my customers? It is contagious what just a piece of flavored cocoa can do. When I first started making chocolates I used to do it for fun but when people enjoyed what I made I though why not incorporate my passion into business. So I studied and got a degree in pastry and baking, then I travelled for a few months and did a few internships with chocolatiers. When I thought I was ready for business, I started "Golosi" and now here I am" he listened to everything I had to say until we were back in his car and he was dropping me to my apartment. We got down from the car and I said "so, this is it then?" he looked at me for the moment and I just knew he wanted to kiss the hell outta me, I wanted it too but then he shook his head, bent down and kissed my forehead. This time, I was left wanting more.



I wanted to kiss her but I wouldn't, she wanted slow and I wanted nothing more than to respect her wishes. Hence, the kiss on her forehead, "good night Lizzy, I'll see you soon" I said and she smiled up at me. "Good night" those were her last words before she turned and entered her apartment building. This night could not have gone any better, with her by my side I felt complete, like something inside me filled itself on its own accord. Why did I waste so much time of my life is beyond me? All the one night stands, fake dates and useless hook ups don't even compare to the time I've had with Lizzy. I've chased shallow sexual pleasures for so long I completely forgot how good it was to feel things for ones.

Lizzy is something else, even after finding out who I really am she didn't treat me any differently, in fact she treated me even worse. But I can't blame her, it is all my doing and for ones I'm ashamed to be called a billionaire playboy. If I knew somewhere in the world Lizzy was waiting for me, I would've remained celibate. But, what's done is done, from now on I just need to be better for her sake. When she gave me a peck on my lips I couldn't help but want more, I wanted to deepen the kiss to feel every grove and hitch of her beautiful mouth but I didn't push because if I had, all hell would break loose. I cannot for Christ's sake resist that woman, she literally screams 'SEX' without even realizing she's doing so.

I enter my penthouse and sigh, removing my tie I throw it on the table and propped myself on the couch. My house looks so empty, I wonder how I never paid attention to it before today, oh! That's right, I never really was home enough to pay attention at all. I look around my place and for the first time notice how dull and uninviting my penthouse is. No personal touches, no photo frames, not much furniture, it looks so plain I cringe at myself. When did I become so boring? It's also surprising that I realized all these changes just when Lizzy walked into my life. She is changing me too much and I love every second of it, I visualize the interior of Lizzy's shop and think of how her apartment might look. I know for sure that it has to be something warm and cozy just like her but not too tacky because I know that's not her style. Damn! This woman has a death grip on my brain, Lizzy...Lizzy...Lizzy what am I gonna to with you? I shake my head and smile.

The next morning when I get up for my jog, I go straight to her shop, it's like my feet are possessed with her and need to be in close proximity with her. She's there, standing in front of me in all her glory I stand there transfixed by the sight in front of me, her blonde hair is down for the very first time and I don't think I've seen anything remotely better than this. The train of my thought wonders back to sex with her, how will her hair feel when I grab her scalp and plunge deep into her? They certainly look like some kind of silk cloth, I'm abruptly shaken out of my thoughts when she says "I was wondering if you would visit me in the morning" her voice is soft but it pulls me out of my wonderland completely "you were? Is something wrong?" I frown because if she says she doesn't want to give us a chance, then I might just kill myself. But then she grins and all rational thoughts leave my mind, she is so fucking beautiful when she smiles I want to keep that on her face for the rest of my life, "no nothing's wrong, I just wanted a feedback on a new flavor I tried. Do you mind helping me?" if she asked me to kill someone in that sweet voice of hers I'd do that too. "I would do anything for you" I say and move towards her.

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