Chapter 27- Game in the fast lane

Start from the beginning

"At least this will buy us a couple minutes--"

Suddenly, the fog dissipated, and Seth saw Burton standing across from him, his hands raised! "Or not."

"Stop interfering!" Burton raised a hand at the remains of the chains dangling from the roof, and they lashed out at Seth and Optimus! But before they hit, Optimus curled his hand into a fist, and the chains freeze in place! "I won't let you hurt him!" The chain twisted and writhed in place as Optimus and Burton war for control over them! "Hold on, Optimus!" He started to prepared a counterattack, but it was too late. The chain surged forward, slamming Optimus hard against a bookcase!


"Optimus, are you--" Optimus struggled to it feet, briefly swaying... Then it collapsed, it body landing on the flagstones with a crack! "Hey! Burton! Take this!" Steve clasped his hands together and a massive shockwave traveled through the room! Burton tried to raised his hand to blocked, but he's too slow! The shockwave slammed into him, snapping his head to the side, and his eyes rolled back. "Raaaaahhhhh!"

Steve dropped to his knees in exhaustion, grinning. "Hurts, doesn't it?"
Burton stumbled forward, clutching his skull. The ground tremors as Burton snarled, nearly knocking Seth off his feet. "You insolent children!" Burton advanced, on Seth, a cruel sneered on his face. "It's over. You have no more friends to sacrifice. You're alone now." Seth glanced around at the bodies of his friends strewned around the lab... Anger rised in Seth as his heartbeat roared in his ears. He glimpsed Burton, struggling to stand. "Seth!"

"No... Steve I'm not alone."

He rushed at Burton, letting his fury drove him! He pulled the sword off his hip, readying an attack! He swung it down toward Burton, and he raised his gauntlet-covered arm to block! The sword slammed into the metal and shattered into hundreds of pieces, which scattered around the room! "No!" He grabbed the mace from his back and twirled it in his hand! He cracked it across Burton face, and a massive shockwave exploded out of it, sending him flying! He crashed against the wall and fell to the ground! He groaned, spitting out of blood on the floor!


"That's for my friends!" Burton staggered to his feet, blood dripping down his face! He leveled a furious glare at Seth. "How dare you--" Seth gave the mace another twirled and swung it in Burton's direction. A massive shockwave shot out of the end, tipping a bookcase over right on top of Burton and crashing him beneath it! "Arrrgghh!"

"And that's for me!" Burton blasted the bookcase away and struggled to stand! "Enough!" Burton sent a series of spells at Seth, one right after another! The attack blasted him across the room! "Ahhh!" With a bursts of effort, Steve got to his feet and strides over, radiating a cold, deadly fury. "Leave Seth alone!" Steve gestured with glowing hands, and Burton freezed in place, struggling against unseen bonds! "I'll hold him in place! Seth, you attack!" Seth opened his bag and looked down at a glistening Marble that he got at Macfarlane's shop nearly a week ago!

"This should help!" He gripped the green marbles tightly, and the smoke within it faded... And the entire lab began to shake! "Whoa!" He heard a loud crack above him, and looked up to saw the roof of Burton's laboratory starting to crumbled. A huge chunk of ceiling broke off and came crashing down, right on top of Burton! "Raaahhh!"

"Nice!" out of marbles, he casted about for something to use. With a snarled, a burst of magical energy shot off of Burton... "Are you through?" he threw his arms opened, and the glow faded from Steve hands. Burton smiled wickedly, reaching into the pocket of his robes... "Well done, I'm almost impressed." He scattered more essences on the ground and, with a sweep of his hand, brought forth another wave of shadow monsters!

"Get him!"

"Krrkkk!" five creatures ganged up on Steve. He took one out with a blast of light, but the Sun magic didn't work on him, exhausting him. Soon, they overwhelmed him! "Let go of me!" Steve struggled in their grasp as the creatures dragged him toward the platform in the center of the room, strapping him down! "Steve!"

"It isn't him you should be worried about." Burton took a menacing step toward Seth, when suddenly, Katilda appeared from the ether! barking to signaled Seth. He stood protectively in front of Seth. "Rrrr!"

"Quick, Katilda! I want you to... Make a blizzard."


Katilda growled, and a massive storm kicked up around him! The flurry of ice and snow converged on Burton! His limbs freeze up, costed in a thin layer of ice that grew thicker with every second! "Rrrrhhh!" Seth grabbed an extinguished torch from the ground and slammed it into Burton arm, shattering it! "Not so tough now, are you?" The storm died down, and Burton bursted out of the ice, his arm bleeding heavily!

"Arooo!" Burton staggered backward, and his eyes glowed with fury! "Why you--" Burton snarled and flicked his hand! Katilda tossed across the room, crashing to the ground! "Katilda!"

"Rrrff..." Katilda struggled to got back up, but then dropped to the floor, his eyes watching Seth sadly! Burton grited his teeth as he took another step toward Seth, wincing from his injuries. "Do you know how much I groaned after your insurbordination at the department? And you remember the last word I said 'I will pay revenge!' Haha! Now do you see my vengeance is working on you!"

Seth mustered the rest of his strength to charged at him! "Let end this!" Seth whole body glowed with power, and he shot off a beam of light in Burton direction. The blast hit him square in the chest, blasting him across the room! "Unnnfff!" He crashed to the ground in a broken heap, wheezing for breath.

<DAMAGE DEALER; You dealt major damage to Burton!>

"Is... is it over?" Burton looked up at him with a glare, and suddenly, a thick cloud of dark red fog sprung up around him! "No..." the fog swirled around him, and Seth caught a glimpse of his injuries healing. Hulking shadow monsters stepped out of the cloud, coming right at Seth! He ready himself, hands glowing with his Sun Powers! He slammed his palm into the first shadow monster, and it exploded! "Eeeeeehhh!" he turned and shot off beams of light at the rest, cutting through them! "Hrrrrhhh!"

<READY FOR WHATEVER; You barely got hurt during your fight with Burton!>

"Keep 'em coming, Burton. I can do this all day."

Burton snarled and raised his hand at him. Suddenly, a heavy object slammed into his back sending him flying. "Errrfff!"

"It's time you learned your placed! I have mastered dark magic for twenty-five years that time I think you were in the womb now to be coming to earth."

"Do you think your this fake elements work on me? Idiot your IQ is below 0.02%"

He landed at Burton's feet, and he twisted his hand. As he does, his shoulder ripped opened! "AHHHHHHH!"

Blood bursted from the injury and pooled around him! Suddenly, he's lifted into the air and placed on the platform! Burton approached and strapped him down, even as he struggled against him!

"Let him go, you wicked prick!" Steve thrashed in his bonds, but they hold tight! Burton pats his head and then stepped away. "All in good time, child. But first... As Stephen isn't here you Boy gonna give me the power I seek. After that when I gain the power, I will kill Stephen then. Hahahaha!!" his laughter louder the room. "Go the hell? If you kill me you can never kill Stephen too!" Burton pulled a lever, and the platform Seth strapped on began to rised into the air! A panel opened in the ceiling, and through the raging storm, the clouds part to revealed a dark solstice cloud with a red moon.

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