"Lie to your close one? Very bad of you, Nagito." Doctor shook his head slowly. "I don't want her to worry about a trash like myself." I said. "Ooh, you're pretty lucky I see." Dr. Psychdoc smiled brightly. "You had your dementia since five years now and the only symptom you show is impared judgment. . . Of yourself." He said. "Wha-" I was totally lost in his words.

Is he mentally sick like me?

Why does he change topic of our conversation every damn minute?!

    "Don't look at me like I'm crazy." Dr. Daniel chuckled. "I tend to understand people better during random conversations. And I often make notes about their symptoms out loud." He smiled sheepishly. "Anyway, you must have some questions about your state, mustn't you? Go on and ask as much as you like!" Dr. Daniel said. "I know that sometimes my thoughts might differ from "normal" people, I also know that in time I might be physically disabled. I know everything about my pathetic state." I grumbled. "No wonder you're so calm, other people might've freaked out and started panicking. But you. . . You're calm as a cucumber." He laughed.
    "If there's nothing that is bothering you then my job is finished here." He stood up and handed me my medical report. "There's actually one strange feeling I can't shake off." I looked at the wooden floor examining the pattern. "That is?" Doctor sat back down. "I don't think I can describe it." I mumbled. "Try your best." He smiled at me. "Well, it's like my face gets heated up and my heartbeat speeds up. And butterflies inside my stomach." I tried to recall all the weird things that happened to me. "When does it occur?" Doctor smirked. "When I'm near (Your name). . ." I sighed.

    "Ah, teenage love~ what a wonderful feeling." Doctor mused and smiled. "L-love?!" I clearly didn't expect such diagnosis. "Have you ever got weird thoughts? Like sleeping with her or-" "No! Of course not!" I yelled as my face heated up. "Hmm. . ." He hummed in response to my jumpy reaction. "I often don't want to let her go when she's next to me. . ." I sighed. "Well, my dear friend, congratulations! You're totally in love with your friend." Doctor beamed. "What do you recommend?" I asked bitterly.
    "Huh-?" "How to get rid of this feeling?! I don't want her to suffer if I'll die!" I stood up. "Calm down. It's just a simple crush, you'll get over her in no time." Doctor sighed. "But I would highly recommend for you to confess to her. It's better to get it off your chest rather then keep it locked up with lock and key." He frowned. "Anything else I can help you with?" Doctor asked. "No." I stood up and walked towards the exit. Taking a deep breath in I put my best smile and walked out.

    "How did it went? You're okay?" Just as I opened the door (Your name) started showering me with questions. "I'm fine, as I said." I smiled. "Go towards the car, I'll come in a minute." Her expression grew dark as she went inside the cabinet and slammed the door shut. "*sigh* Let's go." Mr. (Last name) patted my shoulder and led me towards the elevator.

What shall I do now?

☆ ° • (Your name) P.O.V • ° ☆

   Looking at Nagito's fake smile made my heart shatter. I dashed inside Dr. Psychdoc cabinet without knocking and slammed the door shut behind me. "Oh, Mrs. (Last name). Good to see you again." Doctor smiled at me with his cheerful grin. "What's with him?!" I yelled as I tried to suppress my tears. "Firstly, calm down." He pushed me towards  the sofa and made me sit. "Breathe in, breathe out." He said calmly. I did as he said and took a deep breath.
    "Five more." He said then. "W-what?" I asked my voice shuddering. "It's the estimated years he might live." Doctor sighed. "N-no way. . . B-but he's perfectly fine!" I protested. "The changes go on inside his head." He pointed onto his scalp. "Soon they'll show up in his behavior and actions. Speaking of which, have you noticed any weird changes in his behavior?" Doctor asked curiously.
    "Few days ago he yelled at my friend for him not having a talent. He dislikes all the talentless people, but tolerated this person. Until that day." I sighed. "Anything else?" "He often rambles about hope and despair and day before yesterday he grew aggressive when I told my parents about his condition."
    "I see. . ." Dr. Psychdoc sighed. "I don't know all the details but all I can say is, he just can't express his complex emotions. It's one of his symptoms. Maybe there's a deeper meaning in his actions that you can't see." He grumbled. "What can I do to help him?" I asked. "Be next to him, support him and don't mention his mental state. In short, be the good friend you are." Dr. Daniel kept his hand on my shoulder. "Thanks doc." I smiled weakly and exited his cabinet.
    When I sat in the car my dad sighed and gave us a patient smile. "How about some ice cream on the way back home?" He tried to cheer us up. "I don't mind." I smiled. "Nagito?" My dad asked the white-haired guy that sat next to me. "Sure." He smiled. "It's settled then!" My dad fastened his seatbelt and drove off.
    We stopped in the city centre and walked towards the cafe when Nagito stopped next to one bookstore. "What's up?" I looked at the showcase new bestsellers. "'How to love'?" I giggled at the name of the book. "Actually, I was looking at the new 'Horror bros'." He pointed to the book next to it. "Hmm. . . Why won't we go in?" I suggested. "No, no. The square is pretty crowded today. You better go and take a table, I'll be back in few minutes." Nagito reassured me. "Okay?" I shrugged and walked towards the cafe.

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