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Sour cream woke the next morning with a groan, he sat up from off the ground in confusion as to where he was before he looked around, 'thats right we stayed over at Steven's yesterday' sour cream thought as he spotted Jenny and buck asleep, Jenny was asleep on one side of the couch with her leg and arm hanging off while Buck was sleeping on the other side almost sliding off the couch, his sunglasses were sideways showing the bags under his closed eyes, sour cream stretched before standing up, he wasn't usually a morning person but on the rare days that he woke up early he just couldn't find him self falling back to sleep,

as sour cream stood there in the living room he decided to look around from where he was, he looked up only to see a loft with a bed and a sleeping form in it 'must be Steven's room' he thought before going back to looking around, he looked to the left only to see a hexagonal platform on the ground behind it was a door that held a star shape in the middle, 'must be the gems rooms' he thought before looking to his right, there was the screen door and next to it was a window seat that over looked the beach, he then turned around and found the kitchen it was spotless save for the coffee pot that was currently on and a mug on the counter, suddenly a noise caught his attention turning to the platform he watched as a beacon of light shown before disappearing, in its place was Pink standing with a basket full of  strawberries,
"ah good your awake" Pink said as she floated down the platform and into the kitchen, "I made coffee, I have never actually heard about it before but I managed to get some and I made you guys a cup, but I didn't pour any yet so your in luck" Pink says as she washes the strawberries, she then grabbed the coffee cup and pour sour cream a cup before setting it back and floating over to the counter, "come and sit down I don't think any of them will be up any time soon" pink said as she patted the counter, sour cream complied and walked over and sat down,

Pink slid the cup over to sour cream, sour cream nodded as thanks, Pink then floated over towards him before sitting next to him "I've thought about it and decided that I will allow Steven to go with you guy to that lake as long as I come with" She said before getting up and walking over to Buck who somehow managed to slide off the couch and land on his knees with his stomach and face against the couch. Sour cream watch as he sipped his (surprisingly good ) coffee as Pink lifted Buck's legs and put him back on the couch before taking of his glasses and setting them on the table, pink then floated back over to sour cream and sat down "I'm surprised that you let us take Steven and you to go see the lake" he said as he continued to sip his coffee "hmm I don't usually do this but he is just a kid so why not let him have some fun" she said before going silent,

sour cream hummed before his eyes looked around the house before landing on a painting that hung about the front door, with a confused face he turned to pink, "hey I'm if it's not to personal who is the person in the picture" he asked making pink sigh "that is rose, Steven's mother" pink said in a quiet voice making sour creams eyes widen "o-oh I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring that up jeez I-I'm sorry" he apologized quietly before hesitatingly putting a hand on her shoulder, "it's ok you didn't know" pink said before putting a hand over his, she then sighed before she got up, "I'm going to put away those strawberries" she said as she walked to the sink, sour cream nodded but still felt bad, not knowing what to say he just continued to drink his coffee and mentally kick him self, the two were left in silence, the only noise being the water in the sink,

"hey pink what time is it" sour cream asked making pink hum "well last i checked it was 9:18 but that was before I left so I believe it is 1:12 right now" She said as she put the strawberries in containers, and put them in the fridge, sour cream blinked 'was I really slept for that long' he thought pink chuckled "don't be so surprised you guys did stay up late watching and scary movie's so it only natural to sleep in late" she explained as she poured him another cup of coffee before sitting down, sour cream hummed before nodded

"you know for some one who hasn't made coffee before this is really good and I'm not usually a coffee person" he says as he takes a Sip as if to prove his point, Pink shyly smiles "why thank you sour cream I tried my best" she said and for the rest of the afternoon they talked in quiet voices as to not wake the others, it wasn't till Buck groaned and finally sat up did they stop talking "rise and shine sleeping beauty" sour cream teased as Buck rubbed his eyes before grabbing his sunglasses "what time is it" He asked at he stretched "it's only 4:52, in the afternoon that is, I bet you feel better after sleeping in huh" Pink said as she got up and poured Buck a cup of coffee, Buck grabbed the cup with a thankful nod, "man I haven't slept that long in awhile" buck said as he cracked his neck and sighed in relief,

"yeah no kidding how many all nighters do you pull for you to get such dark eye bags, in fact you were practically falling off the couch this morning" sour cream said continuing to tease his drowsy friend, Buck did nothing more the wave him off "whatever dude" he said as he sat next to him, pink hummed before pulling out the strawberries, "here have some strawberries, there fresh and good for you, they will also help wake you up some more while I work on breakfast" she said as she slid the bowl of fruits to the two of them, the two boys looked at each other before shrugging and eating some of the fruit,
later when pink was almost done did Jenny and Steven finally wake up and sit down to eat, "so Steven you ready to have and amazing day today" sour cream asked, he was done eating and had gone to the bathroom earlier to wash up so he was ready for the day, "huh what do you mean" Steven asked as he continued to eat the pancakes he was given "you know the lake we are going to go see it today" sour cream reminded making Steven pause and wait for his drowsy brain to catch up with the words, "Steven I'm allowing you to go with them to go see the lake as long as I come" Pink spoke helping Steven remember yesterday, "OH MY GOSH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" Steven yelled as he got up and ran up to his room, "Steve we aren't going right now so calm down, your friends are going to go tell there caretakers err Parents where they will be going" Pink says to the spratic boy, making him stop "ok I know I just want to make sure I have everything" he answers before continuing to run around, Pink frowns at that, "Steven calm down your going to fall" Pink say in a worried filled voice, seeing the dilemma that Pink was in sour cream decided to step in to help her out "yeah chill Steven well stop by at home get ready and drop by to get you guys so you have time" he said as he stuffs his hands in his pockets,
Steven whined before complaining, Pink smiled at sour cream as a thanks before head towards the stairs, "now Steven come say goodbye to your friends and then go get ready" pink says as she picks up her dress and walks up towards Steven, Steven nodded as he walked down the stairs and walked the three teens out to the keep and waved them goodbye before heading inside, Pink sighed as she watch Steven watch Tv, sure she felt bad for halting Steven from getting excited about the lake but his friends needed to go home and tell some one, she sighed before walking towards her room she just hopped that the lake would brighten Steven's mood.

"yeah no kidding how many all nighters do you pull for you to get such dark eye bags, in fact you were practically falling off the couch this morning" sour cream said continuing to tease his drowsy friend, Buck did nothing more the wave him off "w...

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