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One Week Later...

Last week is just any other day, catching demons, serving foods, and teaching So Mun about techniques, Apparently now that he's job is just like us sunbae also told So Mun to also work in the restaurant. Which he certainly agreed.

I was washing the dishes until someone called me.
"Hana! Can you get the water it just arrived!" Sunbae yelled while he's chopping a vegetable.
"Got it!" I went to the back and got the water for the dispenser.

*I feel my head aching*
'*click clack*'
She's shopping huh? Gotta see where.

'How much is this?'
'That's only 15$ ma'am'
'No I mean that'
'oh? My necklace?'
'yes, how much is it?"
'ma'am this is mine, it's not from this store'
'ahh!! Help!'
'isn't this pretty?'
'isn't this pretty'
I turn back into reality, dropping off the water I got and heading towards sunbae and Ms. Chu.
"Ms. Chu, I got one! It's a level 2, She's at the downsquare mall" Someone cutted me and that someone is So Mun, I was about to yell but Ms. Chu beat me to it.
"Okay let's go!" Aish, Ever since So Mun got the power of seeing demons in mind, He always beat me to it.

We got in the car and droved off to the mall.
"So Mun, you go to the first floor and Hana to the second floor I'll go to the basement incase she'll escape" Sunbae said
"I'll go with our runaway car" Ms. Chu said
Then we split up.

I run through the escalator, finding her through every corners.
"I found her, she's heading at the elevator" So Mun said through bluetooth headphone
"I'm right into it"
I run to the elevator impatiently, can't wait to punch this demon.
The Elevator pinged, when it opened, I successfully punched the demon in her chin, making her lost her balance and groaned. I saw So Mun at the corner unconscious.

She grabbed me and smashed me in the air. She grabbed my collar and choked me.
"How does it feel to survive alone?"
She read my past!? She's really taking too far!
"Let me go" i said between her choking me.
"Tell me, Does it feel good?or does it feel lonely?" before I can lost my breath.
So Mun punched her at the back of her head and she lost grabbed of my collar.

I breathe in for a second having So Mun to dealt with the demon.

Before I can regained my position, So Mun was again placed in the corner.
Damn you! I thought your strong

I punched and mashed her head onto the button and kicked her, but she was too strong to handle a 2 v 1 battle. She threw me at the corner and nailed her long nails to my skin making it a big wound.

"Arghhh!!" I cried in pain.
She smirked and turned around after hearing that the elevator pinged indicating she arrived at her pushed button.

The door open and Sunbae is insight she punched her so hard that she felt unconscious.
What?? How come she didn't fell unconscious after we punched her many times? Oh right sunbae is just strong.

"Stand up, we've got to go before somebody will see this, The police will just deal with this mess" He offered my hand and I took it.
"Who will bring him?" I asked
"Do you want to bring him?" He asked, with his smugly face
"Okay inlove young lady, since you're injured I'll bring him"
"Aish, stop calling me nicknames!"
He laughed, we ran to the basement where Ms. Chu is already waiting for us. We saw her and got in the car. Then we drove off.

Tʜᴇ Uɴᴄᴀɴɴʏ Cᴏᴜɴᴛᴇʀ ᴠᴇʀ.1// ʜᴀɴᴀ (ʏᴏᴜ) x ᴍᴜɴWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt