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"So, who wants ice cream? Satori's treat!" announces Yamagata. It's Friday and they just finished their daily training.

"Hey!" The redhead dramatically turns around. "It paid last time!" he protests.

"Yeah but you 'forgot' to bring your wallet, so I had to fill in, remember?" explains Semi mildly irritated.

"Oh, I totally forgot!" The slap to his forehead loudly echoes across the locker room. "Thank you for your kindness, Eitan~" he sings and flutters his eyelids.

"Another nickname?!" Semi shoots a clearly annoyed glance at his friend but he is already skipping to the shower room.

The underclassmen are trying their hardest to stifle their giggle, even though Semi or the other seniors wouldn't react negatively. They do, however, pack their things without showering since it takes too long to wait for all the third-graders to finish first and just go take a quick shower in the communal shower a few hundred meters away from the locker room.

"So no ice cream for you guys?" asks Reon.

All of the underclassmen politely decline the invitation, mostly because they have to catch the train to go home. It's already 5.40 pm. In the end, it was only the third graders who want to go out, much to Tendou's wallet's joy.

"You're going home too, right, Taichi?"Ushijima asks before he pulls his jersey over his head and throws it into the laundry basket near the entrance to the showers. No manager means that they have to take care of washing their jerseys, bibs, and jackets themselves.

"Uh, yes..." Kawanishi stammers, wondering how he'd know.

Seeing his confused expression, Ushijima explains, "Well, I have noticed that you've been going home a lot more frequently in the last few weeks." He takes another towel out of his locker and looks over to his teammates. "Then have a nice weekend," he wishes before vanishing behind the bathroom doors as well. With the other boys, Kawanishi bids them farewell.

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚

"BUAHAHAHA!! Eita, you always amaze me with your fashion sense!" Tendou throws back his head and lets out a loud laugh.

"Shut up," Semi mutters. After club activities, they all went to their dorms to quickly change out of their uniform. I mean, who wants to go out in their school uniform on a Friday evening?

"Well, it's too late to change anyway–"


"–so we should get going now. To the train station!" Tendou announces, posing with one hand on his hip and dramatically pointing to the sky until he notices that the others already went ahead of him. "Hey! Wait for me!"

"Isn't that Taichi over there at the gate?" Yamagata asks. There's indeed a tall figure, standing at the gates with a backpack slung over one shoulder.

"It is. We should call for him, so we can go together to the train station," Ushijima proposes.

The others agree and nod. Yamagata raises his hand to wave at him and yelled, "Hey Taichi! Let's–" but suddenly stops in his tracks.

All of them notice and turn around. "Hayato? What is it?" Semi asks, confused. No answer. He even waves his hand in front of his face but no reaction. Mouth still wide agape, eyes fixed on whatever turned him into a statue. Instead of waiting for a response, they'll probably never get, the boys follow his gaze and turn around. And, oh boy, you wish you were here.

The sight in front of them triggers a different reaction in each and every one of them. If it were possible, Yamagata's jaw would drop to the ground. Semi chokes on his own saliva and starts to cough while Reon pats him on his back out of reflex. However, his gaze is still fixed on the mysterious woman, standing next to their underclassman. Even Ushijima is floored by her beauty and just stands there with his eyes widened. Tendou is the only one who interrupts their silence with a quiet "Holy shit..."

big sis | a kawanishi taichi drabble and headcanonsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن