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✧ Taichi's sister is about 5-6 years older than him which means that she's a grown-ass lady

✧ also means that she has already moved out of their parents' home for university

✧ let me tell you something

✧ She.

✧ Is.

✧ Gorgeous.

✧ and she knows it

✧ in high school, used people who she knew had a crush on her for things like giving her and her friends rides, buying her food and drinks, sharing their homework with her, etc.

✧ because why waste the power her looks have given her

✧ not uncommon for her to be approached by modeling scouts while strolling through the shopping district

✧ but she always declined or rather her parents because school always come first

✧ however, after moving out where her parents don't have as much control over her as they used to, it didn't take that long to get another opportunity for some quick modeling gigs which she gladly accepted

✧ it was short-lived financial independence because her lectures kept her more than busy, so she immediately quit after the first week of lectures

✧ her major? Economics. Yes, a mean-heavy field of study but she cannot deny her love for mathematics. Also, understanding and researching the complexity of economic relationships, discussing macroeconomic aspects and analyzing decision-making behavior, markets, and prices at a microeconomic level intrigue her

✧ you guessed it, Dateko alumni back then, their age difference never posed a problem. You saw her and Taichi playing together at home, going to the playground, playing with the other kids in the neighborhood where age didn't matter anyway

✧ and yet, as the years go by, their age difference became more evident when Taichi entered elementary school because around that time is when puberty hit his then 13-year-old sister and boiii was it an annoying and stressful time for the entire family

✧ not answering her phone but making so many phone calls with her cellphone that her monthly bill added up to 7,500 Yen, sneaking out to parties and not coming home until 2 am, drinking, smoking, keeping her relationships a not very well guarded secret, bleaching her hair to a color you achieve with thick Asian hair after one session (toner? in 2005? AHAHAHAHAHA good one)you can already imagine all the fights between her and their parents

✧ they actually feared that Taichi could become another textbook example of a teenage rebel... for absolutely no reason haha

✧ this image of the older sibling taking care and protecting their little one? Yeah no, not in this household

✧ it was literally embarrassing for her to be seen with her little brother which little Taichi, who used to be the personification of sunshine and full of life energy as a child, never understood, even though her friends always loved it when little Taichi came into her bedroom

✧ their relationship became more distant after Taichi's 14th birthday when he slowly became... Taichi. Very kept to himself, not very talkative, something very annoying to his sister who is the complete opposite of him: very outgoing, always has to add her 2 cents, full of temper, loves to be the center of attention

✧ and yet, after spending some time living on her own and making it until the last year of her bachelor's program, his sister finally has her life under control and for a hold or herself

✧ she became a mature lady who also puts effort into rebuilding her relationship with her little brother which Taichi notices

✧ well, as good as she can: now that both of them don't live at their parent's home anymore, it's kind of difficult

✧ but when it's a weekend where she can make it back home, she tries to take the earliest train in the morning, just after the sun starts to rise to get the most out of her few free days

✧ while everyone is still out for work and school, she cleans the house, runs errands, and cooks food before her parents come home in the afternoon

✧ which means that the family car is available in the evening

✧ time for a detour...

big sis | a kawanishi taichi drabble and headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now