Chapter One

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It was the first day of school and I stood at the front scanning over the crowd looking for Artie and Tina. Rachel had gone on one of her long ass rants in the car talking about how she was going to be so popular this year. I always thought she was annoying so did every one else but they never had the courage to voice their opinion a least not to her face. Every one asks about what it's like to be her sister. How do I deal with her twenty four hours a day, seven days a week? They never ask about me though. I've grown used to it though. I mean I had Tina and Artie.

I finally spotted them from the blue highlights and the shimmer from the sun hitting Artie's wheel-chair. I ran up to them hugging both,"So how was everybody's summer?" I asked

"It was ok I guess. Just the us-usu- the usual." Tina stuttered.

        "Same I didn't do anything to eventful." Artie agreed. "How bout you Abs?"

       "Nothing except putting up with my annoying ass sister." I said. Rachel was a year older than me. Tina, Artie and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. Our first day of high school I couldn't believe it. Tina and Artie agreed they were going to something big this year.

       Me I planned to lay low and try to survive. It's not that I didn't care I did but I didn't want to get slushy in my new dress. Rachel had told me about it.

      Just keep your head down, dress like any regular student, and don't become a cheerleader. I thought to myself. Cheerleading was stereotypical high school sport and brought me into the click I didn't want to be in.

       There isn't really any clubs for me to join since Rachel's in basically all of them and she would be bitchy about it. Either way I kept my head down while we walked into school. May the torture begin.


Hi beautiful people hope you like the story so far! Please comment your ideas, thoughts, hopes. Just over all feelings about the story! Hope you keep on reading! See you later persons!
                 - Kat




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