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Hello wonderful persons! I came up with the idea for Second Lead Syndrome while sitting and eating lunch. (I know kinda random)

This story will follow Abigail (Abby) the sister of Rachel Berry. Her two best friends Artie and Tina have convinced her to audition for the Glee club. This story will follow Abigails journey through highs and lows of being a teenage girl at McKinley High.

The story will mainly be in Abby's point of view it will sometimes switch to another character or third person.

Updates will be sporadic. I will write in my free time.

Disclaimer: Almost all characters/locations belong to the creators and writers of Glee. This may not follow the exact storylines of Glee.

⚠️There is going to be some strong language used in a lot of the dialogue and mature topics that may be offensive to some readers!⚠️ (I will but these yellow signs and the words TW at the top of places in which there are going to be mature topics talked about. Please feel free to skip said chapters at that point in time if it makes you uncomfortable. The strong language will be used throughout so I will not do the same)

Thank you for listening my explanation about my creation. Also thank you for choosing my story to read!

Please enjoy Second Lead Syndrome!!!

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