These are one-shots

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I mean no one asked for more but I feel like writing right now so we will se I guess.


Fuck it's cold outside. Maca was walking towards the caravan with two bags of groceries in her hands. They are heavy and she feels the need to rest for a moment but keeps on walking. Macas head is spinning. Just when she is about to fall to the ground she fells a warmth on her body. Then her body relaxed.

Maca wakes up in their bed with a blanket wrapped tightly around her body. She has a headache and her eyes hurt from the strong sunlight. Then she rememberes. How the hell did I get hare, I was just outside right? She squints her eyes and looks around. Zulema is putting away the groceries in their little fridge. Zulema noticed the eyes on her body so she turned her head towards Maca.

"You okay?" Zulema asks while walking over to Maca with a cup.

"Yeah I think so, what happened?" Maca questions. Zulema hands her the cup once Maca is in a sitting position, it's filled with green tea. Maca takes a sip while looking at Zulema waiting for a answer.

"You fainted" the brunette said blandly while turning away. Walking over to the couch if you even can call it that. "You need to wear warmer clothes it's winter Maca" Zulema added after a couple of minutes of silence.

Maca looked at her roommate with a bit of confusion mixed with amusement in her eyes, because she just connected the pieces and realized that Zulema probably saw her swaying out there and got out just in time to catch her and carried her inside. Put her in bed and warmed her up. Her stomach exploded with warmth at the thought of that.

"Thank you" Maca said once she got the images of Zulema carrying her out of her head.

"It's not like I could have left you there" Zulema shrugged while opening the book she just picked up. She smirked but soon got lost in her book.

Maca got up on her feet and went to the table and got a chapstick and started putting it on. Shit I got a little to much it feels like I have a layer of something on my lips. That feeling gave her goosebumps. She looked at Zulema and smiled. Two birds one stone.

"You want some chapstick before I go to bed again?" She asked and put on a nonchalant face.

Zulema took her time thinking about it but answered. "Yeah sure" she said while opening her hand and waiting for Maca to drop the chapstick on her palm.

Maca moved over to her slowly but the chapstick was left on the table. She got close to the other woman and looked at her. Zulema looked up from her book for the first time since picking it up and made eye contact with Maca.

Maca smirked and pushed Zulemas hand away and leaned in and pressed her lips together with Zulemas. The brunette didn't move she just sat there in shock. It's not like it's the first time they taste each other's lips but it's the first time it happened outside of sex. Zulema would be lying if she said it didn't feel great.

Zulema felt the lips leve hers and saw the satisfied smile on Macas face. It annoyed her massively.

"Close your mouth... and press your lips together" Maca said while chuckling and imitating the movement. Zulema watched Maca getting closer to their bed and slipping of her clothes and putting on a shirt. Zulemas shirt actually.

Maca was now only wearing a pair of panties and Zulemas oversized shirt. She lowerd herself on the bed and snuggled up in the blanket. She soon dossed of into sleep.

Zulema was watching Macas breathing for a while then realized how tired she herself was so she slipped into something similar to what Maca was wearing and got into bed. But sleep did not consume Zulema like it did Maca she was turning and turning until she settled in the only position she didn't want to try. She was facing Maca. Zulema did not notice when but she had moved so close to the blonde that their particles ware basically tutching but her skin never met the blondes.

Before Zulema even was able to pull away Maca unconsciously closed the distance between them and her hands rested on Zulemas waist, and her head was just below Zulemas chin, Macas face pressed to her chest. Zulema immediately tensed up at the contact. She looked down as much as possible without waking Maca up and soon relaxed and put her arms around Macas body in a protective way. It felt oddly good to be this close in a non-sexual or aggressive way. She placed a kiss on the top of Macas head and closed her eyes. Maca pressed her body impossibly closer.

"Goodnight Zule" Maca whispered.

Zulemas eyes shot open and she could feel Macas smirk without looking at her. But she didn't move away.

"Idiot" Zulema said before sleep pulled her in as well.


Maca wakes up once again with Zulema cuddling her just this time they are facing each other and Maca is snuggling her back. I should get up before she wakes up-. Maca is mid thought when she sees emerald green eyes staring at her. Shit she's already awake, this will suck. Maca looks up at Zulema before she desides that it's better to quietly get up now. Her body indicated that she was going to get up as a hint to Zulema but the woman only layed there staring at Maca.

"Zule I-" Maca started but didn't really know how to finish the sentence, but she didn't have to because Zulema was still there laying down calm and.... caressing Macas back? Witch meant she wasn't angry at her unless she was manipulating her. But the spark in the brunettes eyes told a different story, Maca didn't quite know what but it calmed her.

Maca relaxed in the embrace once again but now their faces were at the same level. Just centimeters away. Maca didn't dare come any closer even though she really wanted to feel all of Zulema in that moment. They just sat in silence reading each other's eyes , as usual Zulema did a much better job at hiding the emotions from Maca.

Looking into Maca eyes was like a portal to her mind Zulema thought. As she saw the desire, anger an confusion mixing together in Macas eyes. It was quite interesting to watch Maca trying to battle away these feelings the same way Zulema did but it never truly worked. Zulema finally got tired of the way Maca looked uncomfortable with her thoughts so she closed the distance between them. Her lips pressed against the blondes was a feeling she never got tired of.

Maca was shocked but quickly started kissing Zulema back. It felt euphoric every time. She always got butterfly's in her stomach from these kind of interactions with the older woman.

"Had to give back your chapstick" Zulema says after pulling away.

Maca blushed at that comment. And tried to hide her face in Zulemas neck but felt a hand being placed on her face. Zulemas thumb vent to her chin while her pointer vas pressed against Macas jawline. Zulema tilted her head back up to look at Macas flustered face.

"Adorable" Zulema thought but when she saw Macas pupils dilate even more she knew she'd said it out load. Macas cheeks turned a shade pinker as she seemed to realize she had not made up what she just heard.

Macs straddled Zulema and looked at her. Zulema liked having Maca in her lap but right now she felt vunerable after having sed what she was thinking out loud. Maca just looked at Zulema and saw how the wheels in her head ware turning, it bothered her but she strangely found it cute.

She leaned in and kissed Zulemas cheek but soon moved to her ear and whispered "likewise" and nibbled on Zahirs ear with a smirk on her face that Zulema literally could feel.

Zulemas chest fluttered with warmth and she blushed. Maca looked at her and chuckled, she leaned in and kissed Zulema just before she could hide her face. Zulema kissed her back and they didn't stop there...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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