Hot night, and a happy, carefree day

Start from the beginning

"If you don't stop that, I will take you right here, right now."

I hazily look at him and smirk,

"Then do it, what are you waiting for?"

He looked at me for a second before picking me up and moving me closer to the headboard. He slides my pants off and I take his off. As he grabs a condom from his bedside, I try to relax as much as possible. After we were both ready, he leaned down giving me a sweet, soft kiss as he slowly entered me. At first it hurt, but I knew it would go away. After a few times of him thrusting in and out it started to feel amazing. I tapped his shoulder in order for him to go faster. As he picked up the pace we started to match pace together. I could feel myself getting closer to the edge and he was to, and before I knew it we both were pushed over the edge. As we both went over we moaned each others names lowly. He pulled out of me and laid down on top of me, cuddled into my chest. As we lay in the glow of the high, I can honestly say I have never felt more alive, more wanted. As I comb my fingers through his hair, he falls asleep. I follow suit after that.


The next time I wake up it's almost 9 in the morning. As I turn my head to see Chase sleeping on my shoulder with his arms wrapped around my waist tightly, I couldn't help but feel happy, the happiest I have been in years. And it was all thanks to the guy laying next to me. I just watch in awe of the human next to me. After a few minutes I slowly get out of bed, slowly because I don't want to wake him up and I am pretty sore from last night. I stretch a bit and grab his shirt off the ground and my underwear. I put that on and head downstairs to start breakfast for us. I open the fridge to grab some eggs, bell peppers, spinach, and milk. I lay that all out and find a mixing bowl and a cutting board with a knife. I pick up the peppers and spinach to wash them as I hear footsteps come down the stairs, I turn just in time to see Chase come around the corner rubbing his eyes with his hair going every which way, and only wearing shorts. I roll my eyes with a smile and continue to clean the veggies, dry them and start chopping them up. I was almost done with that when I look up to see he had sat down at the counter and was just watching me. I raise my eyebrow is question and he grinned and scratchily spoke,

"What? I like to watch my babygirl walk around my kitchen in just my shirt. Is that a crime now?"

I throw my head back with a laugh and grab a pan and put it on the stove and answer over my shoulder,

"Oh, it is. You will pay for all the staring mister!"

As we trad playful insults and jokes, it feel normal. Like we had been doing this for years. I quickly sauté the peppers and spinach, while that was browning I crack some eggs and add some milk, salt and pepper. As I'm pouring that all into the pan to make omelets, I turn my head over my shoulder and ask,

"Hey, would you grab the plates and stuff? Oh, and cheese. Can't believe I forgot about that."

He stands up and lets out a mocking gasp,

"You? You forgot about cheese? The world must be at its end!"

I just mock him as he gets everything set out, and even gets OJ out to drink. Right as the food is almost ready he hands me the cheese. Right as I go to take it from him, he steals a kiss with a smile, and says,

"By the way, good morning beautiful."

I could feel my heart flutter as a big smile stretches across my face as I respond,

"Good morning handsome. And thank you."

I go to plate the food as he looks a bit confused. I sit the plates down at the bar and we sit down before he asks,

"What are you thanking me for? Because I know it wasn't just for the cheese."

I take a bite, chew and swallow before I turn to him with a sweet smile,

"For everything, for not running when you saw just how crazy my life is, when how scarred I am, for being there for me. Thank you for being you."

As he sits there looking at me in shock, I turn back to my food and continue eating. After a bit I hear him start eating too. We finish quickly and I start to clean up. As I am washing the pan I feel him come up behind me and hang his arms around my shoulders and his chin on my head. I lean back a bit as I finish up the dishes. When I finish he spins me around and kisses my forehead saying,

"Thank you for breakfast. And you never have to thank me for being here for you, ever. You are my babygirl. And I don't see that changing anytime soon."

I could feel my eyes start to tear up as I smile and kiss him, which quickly got heated, I pull away with a smirk,

"I think we need to clean up, don't you think?"

It took him a few seconds to catch on but when he did he threw me over his shoulder and took off to his bathroom. Making me yelp in surprise and laugh at how eger he was. After a rather long shower of just goofing off we get dressed for the day. I take a look outside and see a sunny warm day, and I get a idea. I run up to him with a excited smile on my face and jump onto his back, almost knocking him over. He luckily catches his balance as grabs my legs with a laugh,

"What's got you so hyper about?"

I just look at him, point at the window and answer,

"It's a pretty day, can we go to the boardwalk? Pleeeeease?"

I give him my best puppy eyes in hopes he says we can. I had never been to a boardwalk before and I had always wanted to go. But I wouldn't make him if he really didn't want to. And I didn't know if had any plans either. He blinks in surprise and says,

"Yeah sure, I don't see why not. We can go to this smaller one about 30 minutes from here. It's one of my favorite."

I could feel my smile and excitement grow as I kiss his cheek and jump off as I rush around to get my things ready to go. I could hear him laughing at me so I stick my tounge out at him and tell him to meet me at the truck when his old ass gets in gear. Just as I was running out the door I heard a pillow hit the wall by the door. With a laugh I run to the truck, climb into the passenger's seat and start the truck. Not to long after me Chase comes walking out the door and climbs into the drivers seats, puts his sunglasses on and pulls out of his driveway. As we hit the road, he reaches over and places a hand on my bare thigh, rubbing slow circles into my skin. I just wrap my arm around his and taken in the sights. I may have been in this area for nearly 5 months but there is still so many new things to take in. And before I knew it we were at the boardwalk. As I unfold my legs and grab my purse, Chase had jumped out and circled around the truck to open my door and help me out. As soon as my feet hit the ground I was pulled into a hug, a hug that was full of warmth. As we pull away from each other, he offers a hand while bowing like a dork, a prince charming dork that is. With a laugh, I take his hand and we took off to have a fun filled, happy care free day. One I can say safely, that we both needed.


After hours of goofing off and just acting like silly kids, the sun started to set. As we walk down the beach with our shoes off, I keep my eyes out to the shore line to watch one of the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen. We slow to a stop and just take it all in, and breath in the ocean air. And I honestly didn't think this day, no the past 24 hours could get much better. But right as I was thinking that Chase turns to face me and I follow suit. As he just stares into my eyes I get lost in his. Right as the last of the sun disappeared beyond the horizon he pulls out a necklace out of his pocket and holds it up for me to see. As I take it in, the last of the light hits it and I can see it's a white gold C on a chain long enough to go into my cleavage. Prefect for if I choose to wear it when riding. As he slips it over my head I see he had a matching one but with a S. It was so cheesy, but so us. It was perfect. As we head home I couldn't keep the small smile off my face. I held onto his hand as he drove, watching the wind blow through his hair. I play with the necklace and think,

This is where I belong, I loved it.

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