Chapter 2: Let the Games Begin

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Soon, the Weasleys and friends had exited the tent-area and approached the many high stairs of the stadium, beginning their climb. "Wow!" Ron exclaimed, "Blimey, Dad, how high up are we?" he yelled over the background music and loud chatter.

"Well put it this way, if it rains- you'll be the first to know," Lucius Malfoy said from below them in a low voice as Draco began to boast about... well, everything from where they were sat to what they would eat before Lucius shut him up- probably the only good thing he has ever done. Arthur rolled his eyes and urged the children to keep moving before Lucius put his cane up to stop Harry from walking any further, "Do enjoy yourself, won't you, while you can," he said in a threatening manner before removing his cane, a snide smirk fixed on his face.

Harry turned away silently as the Malfoys too began to walk away. "Don't worry about him, he's just an old man who takes joy in being an immature bully," a girl said as she walked past. She then handed Harry her popcorn and smiled, "Take it! Don't let people like that get to you, trust me, I've had my fair share of people trying to make me feel like I don't matter," she told him, smiling comfortingly before walking off.

Harry was astounded at this girl and stopped for a moment, the girl had a name embroidered on the back of her shirt, "Josie," it read.

"Hurry up, Harry," Ron called down from above, causing Harry to spring back into reality and follow everyone up the stairs to their seats. Ron smirked, "Who was that girl you were daydreaming about?" he asked, elbowing him.

"Someone," Harry muttered. Desperate to turn the attention away from him, Harry pointed in the distance, "LOOK!" he exclaimed.

Just then, brooms flew over them, green and white smoke trailing behind from where Harry was pointing. The Weasley twins cheered and announced the names of every single one of the players before they were even there for 2 seconds. These were the Irish competitors. Fireworks erupted as the Irish split up, causing massive amounts of noise from the crowd; fireworks that were in the shape of a Leprechaun. Not 2 seconds later, this firework Leprechaun began to dance the Irish jig in the air as music played and people went ballistic.

The victory was short-lived as witches and wizards in red and black flew straight through the Leprechaun on broomsticks- completely destroying the little "firework show".

"HERE COME THE BULGARIANS!" Ron yelled, cheering and waving his Bulgarian flag rapidly. One Bulgarian in particular stood out, doing tricks on his broomsticks as the whole stadium and cameras had their eyes on him, his face appearing on giant magical projections across the entire audience. "Victor Krum!" Ron told everyone as Victor Krum was his favourite player.

As the players stopped flying around and began steadying to a gentle hover in the air, a man began talking, welcoming everyone to the games and announcing.

"Let the match BEGIN!" he yelled after a good 5 minutes of rambling, sending a ball of light out of his wand to set the quidditch balls free. 


Dear Reader,

Hope you liked the second chapter, feel free to leave something in the comments. I understand that I haven't yet really included much of the Legacies characters but I swear they will play a bigger  role soon!

-Inflated Spoon-

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