twenty five

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As the three soon got lost in the movie, Xan was explaining who Heath Ledger was to the girls whilst watching him grace the screen, "he's Australian too!" Xan nodded as she spoke, feeling the corners of her lips turning up as she watched the other two girls mirror her feelings towards the statement. Ginny mock fanned her face and bit her lip dramatically whilst Hermione threw herself back onto the squashy sofa with a loud sigh and a hand pressed to her forehead. The three of them rolled with laughter and soon settled back into each other to finish the film.

Ginny had settled her head into the crook of Xanthies shoulder and let her eyelids flutter closed as the credits rolled down the screen, Hermione standing and stretching her arms over her head. Xan looked down at Ginny, making sure she was asleep before whispering to Hermione, "Are they still out there? It's been ages..", Hermione made her way over to the window, slowly pulling back the corner of the curtain to peek her bushy head out into the street below. Xan watched as Hermiones head turned; left, right, left again before poking back into the room and shaking it no.

"Nope, nowhere to be seen." Hermione said quietly, causing Xan to furrow her brows. Without disturbing a sleeping Ginny (who Xan had often compared to a sleeping dragon), Xan reached over for her wand on the coffee table, tapping the handle four times and eagerly fidgeting the wand in her hand awaiting Els answer. A barely-there shudder of Xanthies wand once again assured her that El was fine, but the white light on the end of Xans wand also told her she wasn't close by. Xan took heed and laid the wand flat out on the table, watching it spin rapidly until it settled - pointing to Els bathroom, in the direction of the burrow.

"She's at the fuckin burrow." Xanthie sighed, snatching up her wand and gently moving Ginny to rest against the arm of the sofa. Xan paced the rug, knowing something must've happened between El and Bill to have made her go without telling the rest of the girls. Hermione stood in front of Xan and held her shoulders so she'd stop pacing.

"Merlin, you're worse than me. She's. Fine." Hermione firmly assured and Xan nodded, knowing Hermione was right but still curiosity had gotten the best of her. Xan headed back to Els bedroom and rummaged her vanity table, a tall dark wooden table with multiple tiny drawers in each side, she was in search of Els makeup bag so she could make herself look presentable. She was going to the burrow.

She managed to find a small makeup pouch, silky blue with small glinting stars on it, moving as the real constellations did. Zipping it down, Xan peered inside and reached her hand in, watching as her fingertips disappeared in, then her palm, her wrist, her elbow and stopping almost at her shoulder. Of course, El would charm her makeup bag. Xan pulled her hand back out, a black eyeliner in her hand which she laid on the table before reaching back in. An eyebrow pencil, a dark brown lipstick, an eyeshadow palette, a mascara. Xan made herself comfy on the velvet chair that stood in front a mirror and began painting her face.

She did her eyeliner, just like how Bellatrix had taught her when she had found her mothers stash of makeup as a kid. Xan drew a sharp wing on the outer corner and a small triangle to extend her inner corner, sighing as she did and briefly seeing her mother in her own reflection. Xan put down the eyeliner and ruffled her hair, bringing it to rest over one eye, mimicking how her mother used to style her own black curls. If Xan squinted and tilted her head just the right way, she could see Bellatrix. The curvature of her lips, some described as deranged, unsettling but to Xanthie it was homely, warm, maternal. The manic glint that hid behind her dark eyes was miraculous to Xanthie, until she had watched it fizzle out, slowly. Xan leaned forward onto her elbows, her chin resting on the palm of her hand, feeling connected to Bellatrix she whispered, "Sirius always told me I looked like you, I never saw it.", before pushing the wave of hair out of her face and styling it in her normal way.

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