33. Shades of Red and Purple Fury

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The first thing Draco did when he felt ground beneath him was lay Hermione down, turn around and throw up violently. When he turned back around, he found a wand pointing in his face. Ron's own face was intense shades of red and purple fury whilst Harry lifted his own wand, also pointing at Draco. Draco wasn't speaking but pointing frantically at Hermione and trying to barge past the wizards to get to her. Ron stood in his path until a frantic voice came from behind them,

"Ron!" shouted Harry, pushing his best friend out of the way to face Draco, wand still pointing at his face muttered, "Finite Incantatem" and removed the silencing spell he'd noticed Narcissa inflict on her son before he and Ron were dragged into the cellar. Draco was shouting as the charm was removed and pushed them both out the way, pointing his wand at Hermione and muttering.

Ron struggled against Harry until he saw a thick black shadow rise across Hermione's forearm. Draco turned and faced the wizards, a scared but angry look on his face as he threw all personal emotions beside.

"Potter. Weasel. Come and hold down her limbs."

"And why should we trust you?" Ron spat as Harry silently crouched down and held Hermione's legs to the floor, nodding at Draco. Both wizards looked pleadingly at the Gryffindor,

"Because she'll die if you don't" Draco shouted, his voice cracking and tears burning his eyes, "please don't let her die."

Ron looked over at the witch, who's whole body was now violently shaking on the floor and nodded, biting back his tears and holding her arms down. Without a second thought Draco bent down and put his mouth to the witch's arm, sucking and spitting out the black liquid until there was no poison in sight and Hermione had stopped shaking. As Draco threw up again to the side Harry checked his fellow Gryffindor's pulse and smiled,

"She's alive."

All three wizards sighed in relief and now looked nervously round at one another, as well as their setting. They were on the grassy bay of sand dunes lining a vast beach, a crooked grey wooden shack stood a few hundred yards to their left and Draco looked over to Harry whilst he wiped his mouth on his jumper sleeve.

"Where are we Potter?"

Harry opened his mouth to reply but Ron beat him to it,

"None of your damn business Malfoy! I don't trust you and as soon as Mione's awake and can tell us what happened. I'm going to kill you." The ginger wizard snarled and went to launch forward again, only again to be stopped by Harry. Draco simply smirked at him and threw his wand over, raising hands in surrender,

"There Weasel, keep it until Granger can tell you the truth and I don't doubt you'd like to kill me but I suspect that what she has to say might change your mind"

Ron snatched up Draco's wand, still unsatisfied, "don't you dare talk about her! Don't you da-"

"Where's Dobby?!" Harry suddenly shouted, breaking up the brewing fight between the two wizards. All three boys whipped their heads around, scanning the sandy shore and grassy fields for a sight of the little house-elf. Harry shouted Dobby's name until they heard the all too familiar crack of apparition,

"Sorry sir but Dobby had to get help for sir" Dobby mumbled as he pointed at Draco, then at the figure rushing up the hill from the direction of the shack. Harry and Ron looked quizzically at Draco, who had become deathly pale.

"You're welcome..." Draco stuttered before hisworld went black, slumping over to reveal his Aunt's dagger lodged in his back. 

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