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Laura and I sat inside her small, musty, loud car, which she barely could drive because it was so old. I didn't bring up what had happened with Mike and I earlier, I don't know why.
We sat in silence and my thoughts gathered up inside my head.
Do I really want to come home later to Mike? Do I even want a relationship with him? I don't want to break his heart. But I'm not sure?

Can you tell I'm an other thinker.

Laura: Are you going to tell me what your thinking about then?
Uh, Laura knew me so well. She can tell when I'm lying, angry, and thinking. Well , we are best friends, thats for sure.

y/n: Uh, it's nothing, really.
Laura: y/n tell me.
y/n: later, I promise.
Laura: Fine but you have to tell me.
I rolled my eyes jokingly and Laura turned on the radio.

Time passed and we arrived at the conference rather early.

I glanced in the dirty car mirror momentarily and remembered I looked a complete mess..

y/n: Shit! Laura why didn't you say I look like crap!
Laura: I was going to tell you now...

she smirked.
y/n: Uh, just piss off.
Laura chuckled.

I fixed my hair as well as I could ,and Laura let me borrow some makeup. I looked into my reflection and put on a fake smile, like most of the time.

Laura and I entered through the fancy hall and and got taken to the reception as we were first.
We were asked to sit down for a while and wait for others to arrive.

It was a small conference and Cate Blanchett was going to be talking about her career, love life, family, overall just herself. I mean I didn't even know her.
I don't know why Laura asked me to come. I mean I could've said no. Anyways, let's try and act like I'm enjoying it.

I grew impatient and suddenly had the urge to use the bathroom. I sat up from the uncomfortable chair and said,
y/n: I'm just going to the toilet quickly.
Laura: Ok, don't be long, it starts at quarter to.

It was half past 1 when I left.

Walking through the halls, I became lost and had no idea how to get back. There were so many different ways to go. I took random turns and finally, I spotted a bathroom. the name in bold on the front of the door read 'Cate Blanchett's Bathroom'.

Oh god I can't use her bathroom!

Yet my bladder was literally going to burst so I had no other choice. I sneaked inside, no one saw me, I hope.

y/n: Thank god she's not in here. That would be embarrassing.

I was just about to wash my hands when I heard a rather loud voice from the hall. It was somebody on the phone, a lady definitely. She was Australian.

I heard muffled shouts saying,
'Fuck you! Take the house, take the furniture, take the pets! But your not taking my fucking children away from me, okay?'

y/n: Shit, she's going through something i bet. What sort of husband doesn't let her wife keep her children.

I could hear the pain in her voice.

Suddenly the shouts, became louder and I realised she was coming closer to the door.

Lady in the hall: Yeah, you know what. Yeah, uh huh, your a dickhead that's what you are!

y/n: Fuck, I need to hide.

Here's the end of this chapter a new one coming very soon! I hope you enjoyed it and the juicy parts are very soon ;))

A love story with Cate BlanchettWhere stories live. Discover now