15. accepted feelings

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Sunghoon's POV

The competition was only a month away now. I've exactly four weeks but the girl have recently started focussing on her practice like she used to before and honestly it's dangerous leaving her alone in the field. She'll become undefeatable. I sighed playing with my food thinking about what I could do to get her attention like before. "Sunghoon won't you eat?" My older sister said out as I came back to earth and noticed both dad and sis eating peacefully.

Ah that one empty chair. If only mom was here with us as well. "Hoon you want me to make you something else?" Dad said getting up but I stopped him. "No dad it's fine I was just thinking about the competition." My dad sighed as I took a bite of my breakfast. Weekends when my father and sister both are home, it felt so cozy. Like a complete family except mom who left us.

"Don't worry about it Sunghoon. You'll do good plus you don't have to be first. Second is good as well." That's what I liked about my father. Yes he showed off when I came first but he never forced me unlike Hyerin's family. Hyerin again oof. Just stop thinking about her already. Suddenly an idea popped in my head as I choked in air drinking water immediately.

"Jake I'm coming over." I called my friend making my way outside the house after greeting everyone bye. "Dude you destroyed my beauty sleep." Jake opened the door as I immediately went to his room ignoring the messed up house.

"I'm gonna ask her out." The boy who was plainly walking his way to where I was suddenly tripped on his own legs and shockingly looked at me. "You're gonna what?" I sighed grabbing his huge stack of coloured paper before grabbing the different colours of pens. "Yes Jake. I'm scared I'll not be able to do what I want to if it gets too late."

"Sunghoon you do realize things won't end up well if she finds out about everything." I stopped writing on the paper as I looked up at nowhere and got nervous at what Jake talked about but breathed it away. "She won't find out. I'll date her for a month after the competition and you know just dump her. Easy." The boy sighed grabbing the pens away as I looked at him annoyed. "Is it that easy? You don't feel anything for her?" What's up with him?

"No." Not bothering to waste another minute listening to his nonsense, I started explaining my plan. "I swear it'd be the cutest proposal if all these were true." He kept triggering me the entire time until I finally landed a friendly punch at the older guy but guess it was a bit strong since his nose started bleeding. "Now shut up okay?"


"Wow these notes sound like you actually like her." Park Jay who read the notes I wrote said out while having his sandwich Jake had brought him. Only Jake and Jay knew about my true intentions so indeed those were the only two who'd help me. "Cut the crap Jay. I only wrote what came in my mind but somehow they were a bit genuine." Jay just teasingly smiled at me as I rolled my eyes giving him a 'what'.

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