13. dancing together

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

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Hyerin's POV

"Do you like me Hyerin?"

Sunghoon asked me but I just avoided his question and looked away. Why do I always find myself never accepting my feelings? "I asked you something." He asked again as I looked up at his eyes now.

"I don't know, okay?! I don't understand these feelings I'm having for you Sunghoon. I never felt these for anyone. Just give me some time. Help me figure how I actually feel for you, please." Biting my lips, I closed my eyes tightly hanging my head down once again.

The boy chuckled as he ruffled my hair confusing me. "Yes I will Hyerin. I will do anything to make you understand how you feel about me." He said out as I blushed badly infront of him. Sunghoon leaned closer until I felt a small peck on my cheek, making me widen my eyes. Park Sunghoon just kissed my cheeks. I internally died as the little butterflies made me feel ticklish.

"I never thought you'd be this flustered just because I kissed your cheeks. Imagine if I-" I slapped his hands which were slightly raising my face to look at his eyes which stared down at my lips. Immediately pushing him away, I embarrassingly grabbed the heels which were in two different corners and speed walked to god knows where. I never looked back at all but I could feel him smiling.

Little did I know he was smiling thinking that his plan was actually working and I was falling deep into it.


Wearing a simple blue top with high jeans on, I went to school feeling very dry. My legs still hurt from wearing the heels yesterday. And obvious I didn't forget all the bullshit I said to Sunghoon. How to unhear and unsay stuffs? Basically how to delete yesterday from my life.

Things got complicated. I was disobeying grandpa's order and gave Sunghoon an opportunity to make me understand my own feelings. Wow I'm such a cringe worthy person. How am I gonna face the guy today? Hoon seemed to be a little late today as I walked alone to the canteen after the first few classes ended.

There he was, rushing his way to the campus as I sighed seeing him push so many people on his way. "Oh gosh I slept in." He almost crashed into me as I held his hands supporting him. "I was tired after practicing yesterday." He breathed in and out drinking his water as I tilted my head in confusion. "I thought you would skip practice yesterday?" Did he actually practice after coming from the party?

"F-forget it." He said while I nodded and followed him. "Anyways what are you up to today?" The tall boy by my side walked side by side with me, our hands lightly touching each other every now and then but none of us noticed. "Nothing much, I'll just go practice now since I don't have any classes-" he cut me off.

"How about you watch over while I practice today? You didn't even stay long that day because your grandfather called you." Park Sunghoon pouted as I sighed shaking my head. "I need to practice as well Sunghoon." I could feel the slight tension in the air as well as his disappointment. Uhh this is awkward. "You said you'll let me help you figure out your feelings right?"

I nodded innocently as he stared at me. "Then you've to spend more time with me you see. Plus we have a long time before the next tournament starts." He did have a point. Both about hanging out with him more and that there was still almost a month left before the next competition. I just sighed and looked up giving him a flat smile. "Fine."


Sunghoon's POV

I mentally sighed while staring at the girl who sat on the floor of the practice room while playing in her phone. I honestly didn't like being so hard on her. Hard in an unknown way. I barely let her practice. No matter how good a player is, they still need to practice to remain in the upper level. Turning on the music I shook my head getting on the center as Lee Hyerin interestedly looked up at me.

Smiling at her slightly I started moving my body to the flow. Going as lightly as possible, I turned around, did some spins and jumps as well as some normal gestures. I tried new stuffs. Like higher jumps which I rarely did but really wanted to show it off in front of the girl.

The music stopped as I fell on the floor panting as the girl clapped her hands gathering my attention. "You really are good at this." Smirking at her, I approached Hyerin who checked out the video she made of me dancing. "I know I'm good at this. Just managed to fall down at the rank a bit because of a certain someone." I felt her smile disappear as she nervously looked up at me. Jeez why did I need to say it. I thought seeing the girl look down sadly.

"Anyways come on dance with me." Pulling her by her arms I tightly held her up as she defended not wanting to dance. "Sunghoon no! I can't dance at all." She said out as I chuckled. "Yeah says the top girl of the skating club. You do realize the skaters know a lot of the contemporary dance moves?" She silently pouted as I made her stand up causing her to not be stubborn and just accept reality.

And the music started as I grabbed her waist pulling her closer to me causing the girl to flinch since she obvious didn't expect my sudden move. Her hands fell on the shoulder as I supported her other hand. "Are we doing salsa now?" She chuckled wrapping her hands around my neck while slightly dangling her body here and there.

Wow she's brave. I didn't think she'd play along to the music so easily. I nodded smiling at her. We both stared at each other's eyes for a while until Hyerin sighed looking down. "Sunghoon I'm sorry." She said confusing me. "For?"

"For everything. For making you do that fake dare, using that against you and then again pushing you away because I was afraid to disappoint my grandfather. I'm sorry for everything." All those words seemed very true as I softly smiled at the girl and pulled away turning the music off.

"It's fine Hyerin. I don't really keep a grudge on the people whom I like." I lied to the girl once again. First cus I didn't like her. Second cuz I still had a grudge on her. My dad's disappointed face still appeared in front of me every day. I did get distracted by the girl sometimes but I always found myself saying that it was nothing but a mere game for me.

Was it actually? Did I really not feel anything for her?

I shrugged the thoughts away and looked at her dreamy eyes staring at me before she looked away pushing me. "Uhm are we done now?" She awkwardly said. "Yes we are." I nodded and she did the same before grabbing her bag and leaving the room acting like I didn't feel her rapid heartbeat at all.

Still am I doing the right thing? It didn't matter. I was thirsty for revenge more than anything. But did I realize that revenge was hiding my genuine feelings for her? No.

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Please vote guys, I work really hard in making these chapters :(

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Please vote guys, I work really hard in making these chapters :(

𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗙𝗨𝗟 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 ━━━ 박성훈जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें