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Hey is my idea..I don't know why I m even writing this considering that I am too irregular with updates of my other works but I wanted to write something like this so here it is ..hope u will like it...its just an idea as of now..would continue if u guys like it and if I get the time ....
This story starts after laksh and kavya's marriage and then dadi's declaration that she will get Ragini married in 15 days...

Ragini who got her heart broken  badly by the guy who was her everything..her life revolved around him..she had gone to all the extent of good and evil just for that one person..she had broken all barriers of morality for that one person..she became evil from an innocent for that person and again became the old Ragini for that person a hope to get his love but he again betrayed her in front of everyone ..
Ragini who could not let laksh go in any circumstance finally accepted defeat...she was broken ,betrayed and was in despair but she had no more energy left to fight for her love,for the guy who even hate her existence ..she thought that all she was getting is her punishment for her wrong deeds and maybe somewhere she was she didn't want to hurt her family anymore and decided to live for them ,to be someone on whom they could be proud of,her mother could be proud of and not ashamed...she still loves laksh ,a lot but she had let him go ,the pain was excruciating but she was trying to cope, trying to move on..

Can Ragini whose sole aim in life was to get laksh's love will actually be able to move on?? She had decided to respect her family's decision but will she actually be able to forget her love for laksh..Ragini could be many things but no one can deny that her love for laksh was limitless,the people who don't even like her were also confident of her love for laksh... will someone be able to actually make a place in her heart ...

It was impossible for Ragini to even imagine loving someone else instead of laksh,but was it really impossible??

Does love actually finds a way somehow??


And what about laksh??

The guy hated Ragini,from his core, but be it friendship,love or hate she has been the center of his life from the time she entered his life...
If Ragini would have been the last girl in this universe,still he could not love her but even then she is the only girl for whom he have gone to great extents , crossed every limits ,be it fighting with goons, punishing himself when she met with accident,trusting her over everyone, marrying her in rage and even to the extent of trying to kill her and later betraying her and taking his revenge...crossed every limit of being good and evil just for her...
he has married another girl but ragini is the one who effects him the most whether in positive or negative thing even he was sure about was her love for him and that's why he used it with so much of confidence either when trying to expose her with help of swasan or later to betray her in mandap...he has used this love because he know the extent of ragini's love for him.. nothing can shake that love but was it actually true??

"Ragini can only love laksh,only laksh"

"Laksh can love anyone but not ragini"

The two biggest truth of his life were his hate for ragini and ragini's love for him but what if those truth of his life starts crumbling in front of his eyes...will he be able to take it??

And someone who is totally unaware of this complex saga of ragini and laksh gets tangled in it because of fate and destiny....what will happen then??

Nothing can come in between Ragini'love for laksh and nothing can come in between laksh's hate for ragini but what if one day someone do comes in between...will that person be able to change the paths of their story and how his/her own life gets effected in all this...??

Mohabbat Ho Na Jaaye..(Completed) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora