7. fake birthday

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Hyerin's POV

"Let's date." He said as I barely gave him any reaction. But inside I indeed had a lot of butterflies and questions about this two words. But I came to a conclusion that he was just making fun of me and so sighed before shaking my head lightly. I turned around getting a strong grip on my side bag and walked leaving him alone.

"Wow you did not just reject me Lee Hyerin." He shouted as I quickened my pace not wanting to be the centre of attraction and soon was out of everyone's sights. Leaning against a wall, I panted after walking so quickly for a while. Gosh what did I get myself in?

Ride to home was silent and peaceful. My family might be rich but let me just tell you, just because my family is rich doesn't mean I'm rich. I barely have any money at the moment. And my selfish mother would just take away all the monthly pocket money my grandfather would give to me. At this point I didn't even care about it. I'm used to having the cafe's leftover food and walking my way to home.

Opening the door, I sighed feeling the emptiness in the house. Mom and Ryun had again gone outside. Meaning no lunch was made. I sighed ordering take out and just went to my room.

Going through the day, I came to tell myself how hectic and annoying it was. And now that I got this Park going around behind me, everything seems so much worse. Doing my homework, I sat up straight going through my phone as grandfather called me. "Hey how are you Hyerin?" He said. "I'm fine grandfather."

"Can already tell you're starving. Bet my daughter is out shopping." Honestly grandpa Lee could tell if I was in a bad mood or not. No matter how strict he was, he had a soft part for his grands. But an even softer part for me. And so did I. We were like best friends without tags. Or you could say best friends who could become enemies any moment.

"Be ready, my assistant is going to pick you up. Let's have lunch together." He said out as I sighed not really wanting to go outside but agreed anyways since I needed some kind of recreation right now.


Next day

Sunghoon's POV

I stood outside Hyerin's house waiting for her to come but strange. It's almost time but she still wasn't out. I frustratedly sighed thinking she already left and was about to go when her house gate opened revealing her mother. "Good morning Mrs. Lee." I said trying to be in my best behavior as she greeted me back. "You seem familiar. Wait are you perhaps-"

I nodded when she showed me some weird ass moves but guess she thought those were contemporary dancing moves. "Aigoo Park Sunghoon-ah come inside dear." She was forcing me to enter but I just stayed back. "Ah no it's fine Mrs. Lee. But could you tell me if Hyerin has already left or not?" Weird how her face dropped hearing her daughter's name and she just sighed.

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