Chapter 1

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Have you ever felt like a piece of you is missing? Yeah well, that's how I feel. I have always felt like this.''Talia, you need to get up'', My foster mom Holly said.'' Ugh, I'm up'', I said as I put the covers back on me.''No, let me explain what I mean and what I mean is get up and out of bed and get ready, otherwise no afterschool activities'', She said.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. Turns out I rolled right onto the floor.'' Ow'', I said as I ever so gracefully stood up.

I grabbed a random shirt/hoodie thing and a random pair of jean shorts and I went to my bathroom and did my stuff. After I got out of the shower I brushed my hair and I tied it in half up and down style.

I grabbed my phone and my black bag. After making sure my outfit was in check, I walked down the stairs and the smell of pancakes and chocolate hit me.

I went and grabbed a plate and stacked 2 on my plate. I ate the 1 and a half and packed some for lunch.''Arent, you going to eat more'', Holly asked. I shook my head no and thanked her before I got

I went outside grabbed my board and headed to school. I hugged Holly before leaving and she kissed my forehead.

The streets were unusually bubbly.

I got to school and walked into the office.''Hi, My name is Talia can I please have my schedule'', I said.

''Hi dear you must be new, ahh Talia you said. Are you by any chance related to the Valentino brothers?'', She asked.

I just shook my head grabbed my schedule and waved bye. I got my board and walked into the hall. I put my board down and put my foot on it so no one would take it.

I looked at my schedule

Advanced English I

Advanced Math

Science II

World Geography I

World History I



I honestly had no idea where any of this was.

''Hey you're the new girl Talia, right? I'm Gio. Nice to meet you. Shall we get on with the boring tour?'', A tall boy asked.

''Hi nice to meet you too and let'', I said grabbing my board.''Cool, board, you skate?'', He asked as we walked.

''Yeah'', I said.

We walked down halls with classrooms and he showed me the cafeteria. The sports field, pools and a lot of other things.

''So that concludes the boring tour'', Hayden said. We swapped schedules and saw we had almost every class together.

''So you get to hang out with me all day. Give me your phone real quick'', He said.

Gio was a really easy person to get along with.

''You named yourself The Kung foo Master'', I asked.''Not judging or hating just asking'', I said laughing slightly.

I gave him my number and named myself 'Skateboard Queen'.

He showed me the way to English.

''Hello Trouble Maker 1 and please don't let this be another trouble Maker but anyways jokes aside you must be Talia Valentino, are you related to the Valentino brothers?'', Mr who I presumed to be Astro.

''I mean I could be?'', I said jokingly.  


Hey whats up!!

Rn its Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!

I need a name for you

BBR=  pepperonis

New Possibilities = Lil Beans

and Be strong readers = ?

Tali babes? 😂😂😂

theres a legit youtuber called TaliBabes 


Enjoy christmas with your family!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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