Chapter 2 ; The Gryffindor one

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Once the dinner was over, I went to thr Gryffindor common room with the twins. I kinda missed them to be honest. On our way I saw Draco with Pansy going to the dungeons. She was talking to him, but he was starring at me. With angry disgusted face. I stopped and wanted to to go to him. Before I could even move, Fred pulled my hand and lead me to our way. Once I looked back and followed him.

I don't have much friends in Gryffindor. Only the twins and sometimes I talk to Ron Weasley. But other people judge me. For talking to Draco,my brothers, sister and basically my whole family. The Cold, heartless monsters. That's our reputation. No wonder people don't want to talk to me. Except Slytherins. So most of the time I was with Draco, or in their common room with others.

My mind was suddenly full of Draco. I wanted to ask him what is wrong that he acts like he does. So I put on some normal clothes and went to his dorm. Blaise Zabini,Adrian Pucey, Jacob and Mattheo were sitting in dark green armchairs in their common room. I just give them one look and went to Draco. One knock spread out as I went in.

He just get out oh his bathroom to change clothes. ,,What do you want." he spat and looked at me with poker face. ,,Why are you talking to me like that?"I asked with confused look. He just looked at me and went to change his shirt. ,,So now you don't even talk to me?"I raised my voice. He just laughed at me. ,,Pathetic." He finally said. ,,What is wrong with you Malfoy!?"

I yelled now. ,,What is wrong with me?! I told you that you will be with me and you just run away with Weasleys?!" he now yelled too. ,,Yes. Yes I did! Cause you are acting like a fuckin' jerk! You are rude to me for nothing!" I said with tears in my eyes. I hated when we were fighting. It wasn't happening often. But when did, it was tearing me apart. ,,Well myabe I wouldn't be rude if you just wouldn't be acting like a fuckin' bitch Peverell!"

I was just standing there and looking at him. I didn't want to fight anymore. Making unbreakable connection with his eyes. As he did. We were like statues. Both cold and speechless. I looked at him up and down. Few cold tears went down my cheek as I was waiting for any word of this cold man. He fingers trough his hair as he was searching for some words. ,, It is okay." I said and forced smile appeared on my face. Suddenly he came to me and slowly hugged me.

It was warming. But cold. He caressed my hair with his cold hands with silver rings. Then I saw his veiny arm and my sight was fixed on it. It was so satisfying. He realized where I am looking. His hand slightly touched my neck as if he would want to choke me. Everything went dizzy at that moment. It was hard to breath. I needed to catch my breath. Our eyes were connected as we all stood there in shock.

Then I went back to reality. Someone has knocked on the door. Draco gave me a smirk and let go of my neck to open. He opened the door and I wasn't shocked

A girl was standing there. Short black hair and ugly face. Fuckin Pansy Parkinson. I couldn't stand her. Anger was in me again as I made my way to the door to go away. But then I felt someone touch my arm. Cold hands. I looked into his eyes as he did. ,, We are coming. " he said as he closed the door in her face. ,, We? Where?" I said confused.

,,To the common room. You don't remeber?" he asked with his cold voice that was giving me goosebumps. ,,Yeah.. I-I do." I remembered and looked at him as he was changing into his black suit. His hands were traveling over is suit when he looked at me. With cold but still warming face. I panicked a little and headed to door when soft voice pleased my ears. ,,Y/N.."

,, I am okay." I said and gave him a smile. He did the same and I saw some spark in his eyes. He was nervously looking at me and then to the floor. I chuckle a little and gave him a hug. My head was resting on his chest as he rested his on mine.

His touch was so calming and warm. Even the coldness of his hands and rings that were digging into my back


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