idk honestly just some more haha

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These are actually some story ideas I'm using, and maybe in a few years I might actually post. Anyways, here we go!

1. Ranboo angst.
I'm sorry, but I just love his character too much. And now that(spoiler alert if you didn't see tommy's stream skip to the actual story idea) Tommy's dead, the main character privilege is how only his haha

Ranboo has always had short term memory loss. He would forget things 5-10 minutes after, and then it comes back to him at random. So he writes everything down to make sure its not only real, but he has some kind of memory, even if its just writing. Then he meets the new kid, tubbo, and is pulled into a new friend group. The friend group is tightly knit, and he was naive enough to put them into his second friend list. They make a plan to prank one of them, and they get into a fight because of the prank. Ranboo ends up having to decide with side he would join, and he can't decide, which leads to him leaving the friend group entirely, thinking he would betray all of them if he didn't already. And he thinks he did already. So he goes back to the old normal, no friends, no actual interaction, no one minding him. He would've liked this before, but now he cant bear the silence. The laughter and jokes they shared, he one arm shoulder hugs, the little study groups they held, and then. He realizes this is exactly what happened before. He had tried so desperately to get rid of him, his old self, even went from "Mark, the social butterfly," to "Ranboo, that one diary nerd". And he snaps. One day, he went to their usual meeting spot, and decided to end it.

Take this where you want, give them a happy ending, change the prank to something else, maybe make the two groups get back together or maybe make it some super sick joke. Idk. Do what you want. But if you take inspiration please tag me. Let's go to the next one!

2. Kiznaiver;The after story.
If you dont know kiznaiver, WATCH IT. YOU WON'T. IT'S AMAZING. ITS SO UNDERRATED. But if you have watched it, this is right after the series ends.

Chidori is again, in a bit of a dilemma. A love one. She just got over her crush on Katsuhira, how could someone fall so fast? Well, Tenga was the one who helped her through it, and you know where this is going. She fell for Tenga. But she also really wants Niko and Tenga to get together, since they probably would be a better, more loyal, couple. And Niko had had a crush on him for longer, it probably was meant to be.

This is cliche, yes, but I thought it would be a good idea. While she sets up Niko for a date with Tenga, maybe she gets closer to Tenga and they get into an argument and shiz goes down. That's where I would take it, and maybe have a sequel where chidori meets another guy and ends up with him. Cause chidori is totally the one singing heather, and that makes me feel bad.

3. Kiznaiver - What about me?...
I really don't want anyone to take this idea, but if you do, make sure you tag me and make it a bit original. I don't want a copy of my work.

Ch/n(character's name) was always forgotten. They liked it, but it was kinda bothersome at times. They were the "first kiznaiver". They weren't the actual first one, just the first successful one. They were connected to the "Seven deadly sins" in the show, but she kept being forgotten and ended up being ignored from the system entirely. She felt the shared pain all the time, and her pain wasn't distributed.

I thought that near the "it hurts" spam(sorry that's what I called it) they walk in and say "I thought since we were kiznaivers we were all closer than friends... What about me?" And their heart is screaming "Why won't you feel my pain? Why? Why? Why? I'm alone. Why won't you feel my pain?" And stuff along those lines. Mine isnt exactly like described, but this was the original idea. Also I saw my pillow and thought of this story- so in my story my pillow plays a big role haha

4. Artist AU
This is a general idea, could be for an original character story, could be a fanfic. Any fandom probably would work too.

Ch/n liked to draw. It calmed their nerves and let them go wild with their emotions without hurting anyone. The drawings/paintings turned out not so good to them, but one of her friends, who happened to have quite the following on social media, posted it.(here I have two ideas for where this could go.)
A. The friend says that they made the painting, then starts getting asked to make more, personalized paintings, and she can't keep up, especially with ch/n's impulsive art style. She gets exposed by someone and then they start asking ch/n for personalized paintings, and since ch/n was super nice, they started making them. Then started selling some copies. It got too much for them and they broke down. She had an actual fanbase, and they backed her up from the people who really wanted to get the drawings. They stopped selling and once in a while held limited edition sales which usually lasted up to a few weeks if they weren't sold out.

B. The friend credits you and you two make a small business where the name gets leaked and the business booms. You start doing commissions for streamers or maybe some characters/idols you put in. I think maybe the character could do something and people start hating ch/n and the character either breaks down and stops completely, only to get inspired by your fanbase to keep going. Or, you could have the character end up making up for it, and gaining back their fame or smth.

You can take this wherever you want, of you want a romance, maybe make the friend a love interest and make it a yandere, a tsundere, really whatever you want. This is just the plot for non romantic stuff, so if you want romance, you might need to use some more brain power.

5. HP au w/ oc
I really love this and I can't stop thinking about it since it seems like a dream I would love to get and never wake up.

Its been years, wizard and witches are just fables, and any new born wizards are usually called normal since there are genetically modified kids that have similar powers to wizards. What we would this to be magic in the past, is now technology. We modify babies so they can breath the toxic air. Everything seems possible. But any magic animals are just projections made to entertain kids.

I'm sorry but I can't wtite this anymore without going into an actual story. Here's the gist for after this part: person finds magic beast, person cares for said magic beast, finds where most of the witches and wizards were hiding, lives as one of them since person was born a witch but was also modified so they didn't think anything was wrong when person had increased strength. The modified stuff gave person a larger magic supply. Person lives like that, makes a fake dead body and she is reported dead, legally.

Yeah. That was a simplified as I could go.

I couldn't think of any other things, so this is the end! Buh bye! See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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