Chapter 2: Okami

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The wolf.

Wolves represent the sacred nature with gods. Im tired, my eyes start feeling heavy. I keep walking threw the woods. I have my grip on my katana. My father used to teach me about the wilderness survival. Rabbits and many fine deer live around this part. I was going to hunt.

I Spotted 2 does resting by the hinoki trees. I grip my bow trying to spot out a male. I sense something behind me.


There was a group of bandits by me. It seemed as if they wanted some loot I had.

I was breathing heavily and my foot dug into the dense soil.

"Well look who we have here. A wandering samurai, alone."

He gave a chuckle. Im usually very afraid when something like this happens. But I felt almost happy. I gripped the handle of my katana harder and was prepared for a stand off. The bandit gave a chuckle. Almost amused that I wasn't going to back off.

"Kill him." I un sheathed my katana and fought. Two of the bandits tried to come at my back but blocked the attack and skinned one of them on the arm. I threw the bandits into another but one got me in the stomach. I felt the cold metal of the knife. But it only fueled my anger. 

I yelled in agony and rage and took the knife out. I threw the knife on the floor and charged. After countless minutes I finally got one of them. the last 2 were tough. I decided to do a tactic my father taught me. As I rushed them I shoulder butted them into each other. I kicked one off of the other and hit there leader. The other bandit fled, but there leader looked as the katana was in his chest. He gripped it to pull it out but as my rage left I pushed the katana in. He died.

Howl. I heard a wolf nearby calling, Probably smelling my fear and blood. I looked at the wound in my stomach and ran to a nearby village. After 5 minutes of running I was getting a massive headache. Then I turned. and my heart skipped a beat and my blood froze. The wolf had found me. It attacked me going for the neck and fought it off but its massive jaw kept squeezing. I Grabbed my short sword and stabbed the neck. It got off but I couldn't move, I laid there for the rest of the night and just thought. I will not die this way

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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