Just one bite.

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Mark's POV.

It was a late night, and I've gotten no fucking sleep. I'm a vampire, so usually I don't sleep at night, but I've been keeping my eye out for anyone breaking into my house. Recently a bunch of idiot teenagers have been breaking in and stealing stuff, then they'd take out what they call 'ghost boxes' and try to speak with spirits.

I'll admit, it is fun to scare them away by using the things in my home to create loud noises, but there's always one boy I feel awful for scaring. They call him Ethan. He's always got a big smile when they first get here, but it fades as I'm forced to scare him away.

He's never stolen anything from me. In fact, he's the only good one there. I, however, have stolen from him. I took his little backpack the last time he and his friends were over and I looked through it. It had a shit ton of juicy looking stuff, such as: An entire book on vampires, a magazine showing gay muscular men, and a tiny little bottle of water with his name on the cap.

Looking at the magazine made me jealous, for what reason? I don't know.

But I did know that in a few minutes they'd be here. Ethan and his pathetic friends.

Speak of the devil.

There they are. Right on time, might I add. I didn't care for the rest of them, I just looked through their group to try and spot Ethan. I did so pretty quickly, keeping a keen eye on him for the rest of their stay. Once I found they'd been here long enough, I got ready to watch them shit their pants.

I dropped from the ceiling to the floor as quietly as I could and made my way to the kitchen, turning on the microwave. I listened to it beep, which followed by one teen gasping. I heard them mutter and mumble to each other, when I finally decided to pull a metal rod from the window and slam it against a hard surface to make a loud noise.

They all squealed like little babies, but for some reason, hearing Ethan squeal himself was music to my ears. My stomach began to grumble. It had been quite some time since I've fed myself. Quick flashes of Ethan's body ran through my mind, when I felt lightheaded. I hid away and watched as they all left. All except Ethan.

Ethan stayed put where he was. He sat there completely still. "I know you're here! Can't you just show yourself already?" Ethan called out to a substance. He didnt know who he was talking to, but he seemed less frightened. That is, until I found my way behind him in the shadows.

"Show myself?" I asked, and watched as Ethans small frame jolted up by the sound of my voice.

"W-who are you..? I-I-if I've tre-sp-passed i-i can leave!" He stumbled on his words, which I found rather delightful. "My name is Mark Edward Fishbach. But you can call me Mark. For now." I answered, giving my full name to him. My stomach growled again as I smelled his delicious blood through his skin.

I moved closer to him, now showing my body and face. I watched as his cheeks turned a shade of pink. "Like what you see, Ethan?" "How did you-" "You come here every day. I've been keeping my eye on you." I cut him off.

His became a deeper red, and I could smell his blood much easier now. I felt my hunger grow as I pinned him to a wall. "I-I should g-go." He mumbled, but he looked at me like he wanted me to fuck him. He was full of lust and I could smell it.

"Don't you want to please your master?" I questioned Ethan, I was too full of lust to even give a shit if I was crossing any lines. I looked down at Ethan and watched him sink into submission as he responded with a breathy "Yes.."

I looked him up and down, realizing how hard he was for me and I've hardly done anything at all. I moved my lips to his neck and kissed it softly. He pushed his neck to the side so I could get an easier grip. I licked the spot I was going to bite into, then slowly inserted my teeth making sure it hurt Ethan. I always wondered what he would look like hurt.

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