Shopping, fun, and Shinsou's backstory (Chapter 7)

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AN: OMG THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS! It means a lot to me that so much of you care enough to follow me. AND 313 READS, I NEVER THOUGHT I'D GET SO MUCH! So now, let's get into it!

Denki POV

I sat on a beanbag, studying my phone. It had been a while since Mina had left after Sero. I looked up at Shinsou, then blushing, looked down to my phone again. I gave a sad smile to the door. I was happy for Mina, the love of her life loved her back. I couldn't say the same for myself though... Not like Shinsou's ever gonna love me anyway. I mean, who would love a stupid, idiotic doofus who's quirk literally fries his brain when used? I could feel a small tear coming, and blinked it away. I bit my lip as the grip on my phone tightened. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Shinsou: Are you okay Kaminari?

I whipped around and fell backwards with the force. I looked up at his cutely confused and worrying face, and immediately started blushing. Dropping my phone, I immediately covered my face with my palms. Shinsou came closer to me, apologising for startling me. I just shook my head quickly. Soon we heard the door open.


She stopped and narrowed her eyes at me and Shinsou. We were sitting right next to each other, and his hands were on my shoulders. I think Shinsou understood what all must've been going through her head, because he blushed and quickly took his hands off my shoulders. I gave her a warning look, and looking at Shinsou realised that if she said anything he would control her to do something even more embarrassing. She just smirked, and came close to us.

Mina: Mhm... I'll do anything for my ship...

She walked off. I looked at Shinsou, and he was shocked. I waved my hand in front of his face, snapping him out of it. We both looked up at Mina, to notice that she was holding hands with Sero. I counted.

Kaminari: 3... 2... 1... COVER YOUR EARS!

Shinsou did as I said, and thank god. For the sound that followed would most certainly have rendered him deaf. 


Mina: Yeah, so well-

~le time skip brought to you by Deku's crush on Todoroki~

Me and Shinsou were chatting. We really had no interest in what Mina had to say, so we had our own conversation. We heard a sound. I looked up at Shinsou, who was blushing.

Shinsou: Oh- um- looks like I'm a little hungry right now.

I laughed. Shinsou blushed even more, hitting me with a flustered expression. I just laughed and went to the others.

Denki: Hey guys, wanna go grab some food? Shinsou's hungry, and tbh, we should head out to get some food for dinner soon.

I looked at the people in front of me. Midoriya was leaning onto Todoroki, was he sleepy? Uraraka and Asui were sitting on a table together, fingers intertwined. Kirishima had his arm around Bakugou's shoulder as always, I seriously think the two like each other. I couldn't find Iida, where was he? Yaoyorozu and Jirou walked to us.

Momo: I think that's a great idea! Should we go to the supermarket? We can use my money, I have lots of it-

Todoroki: No. I got my dad's credit card. We're using it for the main stuff.

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