Laksh was in club drinking like there is no tomorrow. All he could think was that moment when Ragini went away from the cliff. It was the moment where he let her go. It made him realise how strong his feelings is for her. His heart can no longer hold this back. The pain is killing him and he kept drinking.

Other side Aryan was there in the club all bored. He was not someone who enjoyed clubbing. It was the farewell of the dancing club seniors and the whole dancing club was there enjoying where as he was sulking alone in a corner.

Just then he saw someone approaching him in a seductive manner. He panicked and went to the bar area and was shocked to Laksh.

"Laksh bhaiya, what has got on you?? Come with me now." He made Laksh stand. Laksh looked at him frowning. " Who are you how do you know my name?". He tried to drink again.

"Laksh Bhaiya enough, you are already very drunk!". Aryan kept the glass back.

"Wait wait wait, how could you call me Bhaiya, don't you know that I am the youngest sibling". Laksh looked at Aryan shocked. " This means you are illegitimate child of my Papa!".

Aryan had his eyes our of his socket. " WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!".

Laksh pushed Aryan back. " Why are you so shocked and offended. It should be me ... Me who should be offended. After all my Papa cheat my Ma with you mother...Ooh. my poor Ma....Ma I am sorry Papa is a cheat. And you Mr whatever is your name. I am not going to accept you as my brother ever. You are no". Aryan who got out of shock closed Laksh's mouth.

Laksh kept struggling to free, but since he was drunk heavily it was easier for Aryan to take him out of the club. Aryan came with in club member's bike but he found Laksh's parked there.

He searched Laksh's pocket and took our his keys freeing his mouth.

"Hey you half brother, how dare you take my bike key, I am not sharing my bike with you, idiot fellow, after My papa he needs my bike keys now." Aryan took a deep breath to control himself.

Aryan think of di, she loves him, and usually he is very good guy, it's just that he lost his senses are being drunk. You can handle this. Think of di. Di..this is just for you. Aryan dragged Laksh near to his bike and settled him in he back seat. He sat in front and made Laksh hold him and then tied Laksh's hands with his belt.

Throughout their ride Laksh kept cursing Aryan saying he was kidnapping him.

Ragini opened the door and was shocked to see a drunk Laksh with Aryan.

"Aru What's going on". "Di later, just hold him, I can't do it anymore". Aryan was panting.

Ragini immediately held Laksh's hand. Laksh looked at her " sorry Mam, don't hold me, I am committed".  Ragini left her hand immediately hearing that and Laksh fell on the floor.

He smiles, "thank you Mam, you see I love Ragini very much and I can't let anyone othe than her to touch me. Sorry to disappoint you".

Ragini was shocked beyond wits when she heard him. She pulled him up and shook him. "What ...what did you just say? ".

Laksh pulled out of her grip again, " i told you Mam DONT TOUCH ME!  I LOVE RAGINI. I won't be so polite if you touch me again.

Aryan immediately held him, luckily Laksh has forgotten all he accused Aryan off. He got Laksh to guest room and Ragini followed them.

"You say you.. Ragini?". Ragini asked again, she was still in shock.

" Of course I many times you want me to say". Laksh asked irritated.

Ragini was angry hearing him " then why didn't you confessed yet.!!"

Laksh smiles sadly, "how can I, when I realised I love her, I also realised Sanskar loves her. And I he is any day better than I wanted to him to confess first, I planned to propose her if she rejects Sanskar. But... The aftermath of his  confession was so bad..I can't hurt her again in the same way.... My poor thing is going through so much already.  So my feelings for her..she will never get to know... Mam you promise me you won't tell her." Laksh smiles.

Ragini was having happy tears thinking how he was not able to recognise her yet. He was so drunk to recognise her , but even in that state, he remembers his love for her. He loves her so much. But Sanskar.... Ragini shuddered.

She got out of the room and dialled Sanskar.

Aryan made Laksh lie down.


One more to go..

Hopefully I would update soon

Ignore mistakes please❤️

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