"Eh, you're fast," Hana stated.

"Yes? Did you have a question?" he turned toward Hana with a smile.

"Oh no, I was just admiring your skills" Hana smiled at him before returning back to her work.

"Really? But my brother can finish this three times faster than me." Isami stated but Hana had turned her attention back to her cooking

"I expected them to be this good anyways," Hana muttered continuing to work  The red-haired male and the blue-haired female shifted their gaze towards her. Soma noting that her work was going on in full force she seemed to be simmering something in a saucepan while she chopped some spring onions and added it to the saucepan. Hana noticed his eyes on her so she explained her previous comment

"Their hands. Those hands certainly looked like they knew an actual kitchen. It's not that surprising." she continued as she kept cooking.

"Forgive my belated introduction. My name is Takumi Aldini. This is my younger twin....." Takumi shifted his body to face both Megumi, Hana and Soma. Hana knew them from one of her classes as she had taken a few extra classes aside from the ones that are compulsory but she never really paid any attention to them and that was certainly a mistake on her part.

"Isami Aldini." the male who was standing to Takumi's left continued, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We were working in our family's trattoria in Italy," Takumi said, placing his hand on his chest. 'Something tells me we'll be spending a lot of time together in future, Aldini-kun. Looks like Soma has finally found his match.' Hana couldn't help but chuckle to herself, Soma and her are, what you would call, pair that compliments each other, different but not in a way that clashes with each other but in a way that enhances their attributes but now they have met someone so similar yet different than them. It seemed that Isami was thinking something similar as he sent her a cheeky smile which she couldn't help but return.

" 'Trattoria'?" Megumi asked.

"In Italian, it means a restaurant for the masses," he stated. Soma flinched after hearing his statement. Hana merely glanced at him, noticing the writings on his uniform and smirked. 'How fitting. These two are like the perfect rivals, this is gonna be fun'

"I'm the same as you, Yukihira. I'm also a chef who's been protecting his restaurant on the front lines. I remember what you said at the opening ceremony." he stated, "You identified yourself as a professional. As a fellow professional, I cannot lose to you. Let's show the world who'd the better chef: Aldini or Yukihira!" Takumi stated. Soma grinned widely at his statement and unwrapped the white headband that was always tied to his left wrist before tying it onto his head tightly. Hana raised a brow at the red-haired male, seems like he was finally firing up.

"Great! Come at me!" the red-haired male said.

"What?!" Megumi visibly paled while Soma was starting to get worked up.

"Very well," Takumi smirked and took out something, earning gasps and looks of surprise from the other students.

"What the?!" a student unconsciously said out loud.

'A mezzaluna.....A double-handed knife used in Italy that means 'half-moon'.' Hana remembered seeing it in one of the books in the library. She took a deep breath and turned off her saucepan as she could smell that it was ready as it had become thick and the bubbles had gone from small to large and glossy. She took out her frying pan and grabbed the chicken mince with the left hand and squeezed out mince through the thumb and the index finger. The mince came out forming a round shape.

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