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you want a lifestyle change

how do they react?

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W O R D  C O U N T


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weightloss, mention of scale,

body negativity, exercise

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when you decided to tell your childhood best friend, dream, that you wanted to lose weight, you didn't know exactly how he would react. you were worried that he would go into protective mode and believe that people were telling you that you needed to lose weight or he just wouldn't understand why you wanted to lose weight. you were both seventeen when you decided to want to begin your weight loss journey. it wasn't a big goal, probably twenty to twenty-five pounds. it was mostly to become more fit than before and to not be considered slightly overweight at the doctor's office. when you decided to tell him, he told you that he would be your greatest supporter and that how you looked wouldn't change his perspective on you. he was indeed your greatest supporter. he made sure you were losing weight healthily and encouraged you to eat healthier food by doing it with you when you guys hung out. sometimes he even went on a run with you.

word count: 170


he didn't know how to react emotionally. mentally, he was very proud of you though, and would always support you no matter what. since you guys moved in together a while ago, he said that he would help you by cooking healthier meals and ordering less fast food. that's all he really changed because he was too lazy and too busy to workout with you. he did enjoy you working out though because he thought it was funny when you did just dance and failed miserably. (and he secretly videotaped you doing just dance on the tv and wanted to post it on social media, but he reframed himself from doing so.)

word count: 112


i believe that george wouldn't go out of his way physically for you to change yourself since he believes it's unnecessary. he tells you that he loves and supports you, but you don't need to change. he also says how it's just your insecurities speaking to you, and he insists that you take a break from social media because he has caught you looking at insta models and then looking bad about yourself after. you agree with taking a break from social media, and just after a couple of days, you feel way better about your body and don't feel the need to make physical adaptations to your regular schedule or the number on the scale. you did make a slight change which was to start making home-cooked meals since you are a decent cook. either way, george is very proud of you.

word count: 143


when you made the decision to lose weight, you decided to tell your boyfriend quackity so you'll have a form of support. quackity was fine with your decision to lose weight. he is fine with you doing it if you believe that you can make the changes as long as it's healthy. ever since quarantine, you both stopped working out and gained a bit of weight. quackity was able to lose it without doing anything, meanwhile, you were still stuck with quarantine weight. you started off with taking walks while he was streaming and soon enough, your quarantine weight was off and you were still as beautiful, and quackity noticed you were more happy and confident. he was extremely proud of you, and made sure you knew.

word count: 127


i believe niki would be the person to heavily support you no matter your decision. here, niki would do all kinds of research on healthy meals, healthy ways to lose weight, walking and hiking trails, and just how to give someone motivation. you guys played just dance competitively against each other since you guys would have a blast and you would break a sweat. even though she didn't need to lose weight, she still became your active buddy. since niki already went to the gym twice a week, you guys became gym partners as well. overall, you were glad you were friends with niki and that she was able to support you and help you in so many ways.

word count: 119


i feel like minx is the person to definitely be the one who is more of a cheerleader. she allows you to do whatever you want and doesn't force you to do something you don't want to do. when you came to her saying you wanted to lose weight, she said she will always support you 24/7, and she won't be afraid to support you vocally. i believe that minx is the person who won't do much physically to support you, since she has things to do in her own life, so it leads to her support being vocalized and that she will listen to you as well. she is definitely a good listener and supporter under her chaotic persona that sometimes you don't know how she switches from a softy to a chaotic personality in the flips of a switch.

word count: 142


here, karl doesn't show his emotions, i don't know, emotionally?  instead, he reacts physically since his love language is most definitely physical touch. when you told him you want to change your life for the better, such as fewer energy drinks, healthier meals, he says go all for it and gives you a massive hug. i believe karl is the one to show his emotions with physical contact like a softy, while also maintaining a cheerleading persona, like minx.

word count: 79

wilbur (lol this is me ranting about rich girl fitness, but honestly, this was just a ranting paragraph)

honestly, you didn't tell him you wanted to lose weight, just that you wanted to make a couple of routine changes. he thinks that the only reason you want to do it for a trend or maybe a lifestyle fix. actually scratch that, he believes that you just want to be one of those vloggers with a perfect lifestyle. he knows that at the doctor's office you considered a healthy weight, and he knows that you know you are relativity skinny, so why do you need to make changes? in his eyes, you are perfect. he also took it the wrong way and thought routine changes meant some form of weight loss. in your eyes, you just want to be that ideal woman with an ideal lifestyle. you know what type of women i'm talking about. you know, the "rich girl fitness" girls. the ones with their pretty smoothies in mason jars, or the smoothie bowls in the coconut-shaped bowls. we are talking about the girls with color coordinating workout outfits that make their butts look bigger than what they are, the ones that don't actually workout and are doing it for the looks and the fun of it, clickbait if you will.

word count: 203

tommy (strictly platonic)

he doesn't understand why you were talking to him about this, or how it even came up in topic, but he is proud of you and that's what he tells you, just bluntly says "good job. i'm proud of you", and that was it. its hard to believe, but when you aren't streaming with tommy, he is much quieter, and you enjoy that he isn't in his loud persona and its nice to talk to him without him screaming.

word count: 79

tubbo (strictly platonic)

this male was always your go-to comfort person. so when you told him you wanted to lose weight and be healthier, he was kind of upset and thought it was partly his fault since he was always some sort of enabler with him bringing you your comfort foods, snacks, ice cream, whatever you want- you name it, and when you told him you wanted to cut out those things, he thought it meant slowly cutting him off as well since when you guys hung out, it was tradition to bring unhealthy foods and he didn't know what to expect. however, he let go of those thoughts and gave you unending support.

word count: 111

ranboo (strictly platonic)

he was awkward about it, like very awkward about the topic and overall situation. he was so awkward about it that you just changed the topic and swore that you wouldn't bring it up the next time you two spoke.

word count: 40

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