5 | Lets Just Talk

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They reached the wisteria inn they're staying in right after sun down, and its quite crowded because its the area where the huge festival taken place tomorow. Y/N and Urokodaki accidently met eyes once again,

"Urokodaki-san, i-"

Y/N was about to say something when,

"Ha'i, minna-sama. Please follow me to your rooms"

"What was that?" Urokodaki asked rather coldly.


Since Y/N is the only female of the Hashira Unit, she have a room to her own. She think that they must be having fun together doing their guys only stuffs while the [H/C] girl is alone.

"I'll get you when its time for dinner..." the stone hashira said before parting ways to their room.

Y/N changed her uniform to the robe the inn has prepared, and then sit with her back on the wall as she hugged her knees. The Winter Hashira cant help but feel distant with Urokodaki. Its like something is unraveling their ties, and she's afraid that he will slip away from her fingers. The female Demon Slayer wanted a chance to talk about it, to clear things up about her heart content, or just simply talk.

"Y/N-chan, lets have dinner,"

A knock from the door and the voice of the Stone Pillar woken her up from her thoughts.

Meanwhile, Urokodaki is staring at the Kitsune Mask Y/N gave him awhile back. He was planning to use it tomorow instead of the usual Goblin Mask he was regularly seen on. However, Urokodaki was thinking about their relationship. There's a huge urge to scream out his feelings towards her, especially that now he knows what he is to her.

"Dude, youre comin' down to eat or nah?" the Thunder Hashira asked.

"Right behind you.." He mumbled but liud enough for him to hear.

"Sakonji, dude.. You look like someone who just got rejected."

The Water Pilar sighed under his mask. This feeling is new, unpleasant and he dont want to feel it ever again. It felt like swallowing a chicken bone whole.

"Maybe i am rejected.. Because of myself,"

Urokodaki unconciously mumbled as he get the Goblin mask off of his face, and the Kitsune Mask to the Inn's Haori inside pocket.

"Youre acting weird, man.. You hungry or something?"

"Well, they do say hunger can change people."

"Maa, i hope the rice is still warm.."

They all sat down on a long table reserved for them, waiting for Y/N and the Stone Pillar before digging in. When they come, she got sitted apart from him, reducing the opportunity for them to have a small chat.


While the guys are having their eating while chatting about the plan for tomorow, Urokodaki and Y/N is flooded by the negative thoughts about them as they eat rather slowly and unmotivated.

"Please excuse me, but do you find the food unpleasant?" One of the workers asked Y/N.

"N-No, no. Its very delicious. There's nothing wrong with the meal," Y/N answered politely.

"But you and the young man over here seemed to.. Not enjoy it. Is there sometjing we can do to change that?"

"W-well.. I dont know about him, but i think the food is fine,"

Its akward, even the other guys can feel it. Urokodaki and Y/N knew that they must do something about it, but sadly they dont know what.

"Anyone up for some sak-"

I Will Always Have My Way   [Urokodaki x Fem! Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat