Chapter Sixteen: Slow Heartbeat

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She needed him and he never listened to her. He didn't swallow his pride and be the man he promised himself to be. Noah's leg bounced up and down as he bit the inside of his cheek, awaiting the news on Dixie. He refrained from letting anybody else know due to the fact that this was personal.

A million thoughts ran through his mind. It varied from reasonings for her to do what she did, him being the only reason, and him lastly being an exception. He knew he could never forgive himself for not answering her and not being there fast enough.

I need you.

He read that text to himself over and over again. Why didn't he listen? He could've saved her—helped her from going into this dark state. If only he had known better, the outcome wouldn't hurt as bad. Knowing that she was in the state of mind to harm herself left Noah feeling empty and powerless. She had the uttered drive to do that to herself and Noah couldn't live with himself if he was the reasoning behind it. It was almost as if a knife had dug into his heart. A sharp pain coursed through his body just thinking of how much pain she was in. The recollection he had of her laying on her bathroom floor haunted him.

After a moment without a response, he ended the phone call and shot up from his bedroom and headed straight for his car. Almost speeding, he cried. He wondered what could've happened to her.

Noah sprinted towards her apartment from the parking garage and didn't think about knocking. He called out to her, receiving no response as he searched the kitchen, living room, dining room, and then her bedroom. She was nowhere to be found. Finally, he barged his way into her bathroom where he caught the mere sight of her, lifelessly on the ground. Her lips were practically purple and she was completely pale. His heart sank as he fell onto his knees next to her and held her in his arms, rocking them back and forth before calling for a paramedic.

"I'm sorry." He says as he rocks her back and forth. He could feel her heartbeat slower and slower as time went on without the paramedics. "I'm so sorry, baby." He whispers desperately. "You can't leave. Not now. Not when we still have things to work out. Dixie, not again." He kissed her head multiple times before the paramedics had finally arrived and then everything was a blur from there.

He was dragged out of his thoughts as a doctor approached him, his shadow hovering over Noah. He stood to his feet, clearing his throat. "H-how is she?" He frantically asks. "Stable. She's okay now. A physician is working with her. This will determine whether or not she's stable enough to go home."

Noah sighed out of relief to know that she was okay. The doctor led him to her room and she sat there, fiddling with her fingers. "Hi." He softly said as he came closer to her, sitting at the edge of her bed. Dixie's eyes widened as they began to water. "I-I'm s-sorry-"

He shushed her, closing the distance between them with a hug. "I'm the sorry one. I should've been by your side the second you said you needed me. But I'm here now and I'm not letting you go." He mumbled into her neck, pecking it once. She giggled slightly. "A-are you still mad at me?" She asks.

He pulled away from her and nodded. "I am. But that doesn't mean I don't care about you."

She looked disappointed but understood his anger towards her. She was upset with him too but that wasn't important to her as of right now. Having him here with her was enough for her. His eyes roamed her lips as he cupped her cheeks. "Dixie," he whispered as he leaned in before she quickly pulled away, biting her bottom lip. "N-Noah..."

"I get it." He weakly smiles. "I didn't mean to-"

"Not now. W-we have some things to work out with each other first. If I'm going to kiss you, I don't want to be angry with you and I don't want you to be angry with me." She explains, resting her head on his chest as he rubbed her back in slow circular motions. "I understand."


She pulled away from Noah and eyes diverted to the door.


Authors note:

I'll say it now.... this is a yikes.

Looks like Noah and Dixie won't be getting together after all 🙄🤚

I needed this to be short so the cliffhanger would make sense lol

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