~ author's note ~

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My Dear Readers,

It's been a long road, filled with hiatuses and fluctuation in motivation, but we have finally reached the end. I know that this book isn't particularly eventful, but I wanted to fully round up the story and make sure that Peter and Nimueh got the happy ending that they deserve. Despite how many different variations of the ending I have planned and written, I am really happy with how this final one turned out.

And I wouldn't have been able to do it without such amazing readers behind me! Your comments and continued patience really pushed me to do my best when finishing this story. 'Lionheart' recently reached 100k reads, which is insane to me. I never thought anything I wrote would reach that milestone, and I am so appreciative of everyone who has read and voted on that and the second two books. I am so happy that you've enjoyed it!

Of course, I haven't forgotten about 'Evermore', but I will be taking a very long break and will come back to it when I feel ready to produce something that I can be proud of and that I think you will enjoy. When I begin uploading that, I will post a part on both this story and 'Long Live', as the alternative ending will cover part of book two as well.

As I am also writing some short stories from the 'canon' storyline, I wonder if there are any moments that you would like to hear stories about, from England, the Island, and the Golden Age. If there are, please leave them in the comments.

Once again, I was to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has read, voted, commented, added to reading lists! I see everything you do and am so grateful for everything all of you have done to make writing this fanfiction so worthwhile. I could not have asked for a better readership.

I post edits and general fanfiction writing updates regularly over on my Instagram @opheliabennet, so if you want to go over there and check that out, you can. I hope that you are all doing well and keeping safe.

My Love, Always

~ Ophelia

(Note Written - 12/03/2022)

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