Just By Accident

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Wu Xie

"Wu Xie!!! Get away!!!" The desperate shouting of Zhang Qiling was still resonating on his head as he looked in horror at the beast that was coming his way out of nowhere, as he was paralyze. The old temple they were in had certainly prove to be more dangerous than any other place they had been called to work with, as spirit hunters.

As the huge mystical beast jumped on him almost like in slow motion to tear his flesh apart, Wu Xie thought that his gained time on earth had finally come to an end and that he was going to join his parents in the afterlife, sooner than later. His only regret was dying when his relationship with the mysterious Zhang Qiling, on who he had such a huge crush on, was finally looking promising, when Qiling had been so close to kiss him before the seal of the underground temple broke, letting out what was about to kill him.

He looked at the running Zhang Qiling, no longer hearing his shouting, because everything around him seemed like moving so slowly, but as the claws of the fierce beast was about to tear his delicate neck, he closed his eyes, still having the image of Xiaoge on his mind. It was better dying with Qiling's handsome face as his last memory than with the horrific one from the sealed beast.

He was once called the miracle boy, as the sole survivor of a huge traffic accident when he was six years old. Back then, his parent had die in the accident and his miraculous survival, when their car had become nothing more than a piece of metallic trash, was the reason the media covering the multiple accident in the highway name him the miracle child. However, after he wake up from his week long coma, he wake up to a different world.

Well, not exactly different, because it was basically the same, with the only difference he could see spirits and ghost that he could not before the accident. His uncle third, which took him in after the death of his parents had told him that his spirit had once wonder to the other side for a brief moment when he was in coma, thus when he was brought back, he was still touched by the them, which was the reason he could see what normal humans couldn't.

After that, his uncle San Xing barely allow him to leave the house. Only to go to school and back and always in the company of his bodyguard and when he was old enough to do business, he leave him charge of their family antique shop, which was an inheritance from his dead father. However, it was there that his involvement with the supernatural deepen, when a cursed vase was offer to him for sale.

It was that vase that brought Zhang Qiling to him and their fate intertwined ever since. He slightly smiled at that memory, as he waited for his death. That night Zhang Qiling had come to his shop like a dark warrior form a long lost past and had steal his heart with only one glance. He remember it as if had happen just yesterday...

Two Years Ago

The sky was darkening with the first trace of the coming night and Wu Xie was laying on the sofa of his shop, reading about most recent events in the country. There was a new discovery of a tomb in the Gobi desert and the archeologists were glad that it didn't looked robbed before, although perhaps it was do to the smaller size with less to steal.

Wu Xie smiled at that thought, there were more than two hundred tombs all around China and still counting and almost as much tomb raiders searching for new ones to get a hold of their treasures. His own family had once become tomb raiders, from which their fortune had grown exponentially when selling the treasures in the black market, which had by far, more pieces of history than the government in all their cultural departments and museums put together.

However, his great grandfather die on a tomb raiding when he was on his early thirties and his grandfather sworn that the Wu family will no longer engage in such dangerous business, changing their income into selling antiques instead. Thus, he inherited his father shop called Wushanju.

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