Chapter Four: texting

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Chapter Four: texting

"Good afternoon, loser." Emma greets me as I walk into the kitchen mid yawn. She smiles at me as I grumpily move to the fridge and pull out a mason jar of coffee. I glance at it before exhaling and bringing it to my lips, drinking it black. "You're not even going to get a cup-"

She quiets as I walk over to her and slide my phone towards her, reaching for it and looking at the open twitter profile I'm showing her. It takes her a few moments before a loud laugh bellows out from her. "Stop it. Tell me you didn't tweet that."

"Well, they were all following me. I assumed it was for the parrot content." I reply, moving over to the cabinets and grabbing a mug, pouring some coffee into it. I head back over to the fridge, smiling as she continues to chortle uncontrollably, and grab some creamer, pouring a healthy amount into it before returning it to the fridge.

I walk around the counter and sit down next to Emma, glancing at her computer. She has what looks like an editing software up; I'm actually quite bad with technology, but I can recognize that she looks to be editing the minecraft video she filmed yesterday. I thought she had an editor now.

I glance over to her questioningly as she quiets. "Why are you editing?"

"Oh, I figured it would be easier if I did the editing for this video, especially since I have a special guest." She gives me a wolfish grin. "I have to make your debut on my channel perfect."

"Yeah, well, don't act like it's going to be a habit." I remark, drinking some coffee.

"No, it totally is. We can do a sister tag or - god, I'm kidding, no need to glare at me like you want me dead." Emma snorts at my face and looks back down at my phone. "First and last appearance, I promise. Besides, look."

She glances up from my phone and taps the image on the right side of her screen. It's her screen with an image of her in the corner and, in that image, is my torso. I am wearing a light blue hoodie that's pretty loose and shows exactly nothing of my features other than my hands, which have a few rings on them; it's a perfect film method for someone who hates being on camera.

"Hey, dream replied to your tweet." She says.

My eyebrows rise and I move towards her, looking over her shoulder over to my phone. "What?"

"A hour ago, which makes sense because you literally woke up at three pm. He said-" She trails off as we both read it before a snort leaves her. "Is he trying to flirt with you?"

dreamwastaken: yes number one parrot fan here please supply parrot facts

"Maybe he's just really passionate about parrots." I eventually say back.

She glances up at me. "Well, give me a parrot fact. I know you know an absurd amount about parrots."

"A group of parrots is called a pandemonium." I say the first thing that floats into my mind before frowning. "Wait, are you going to reply to him?"

"Um, fuck yes." Her fingers move in a blinding speed and, in a few seconds, she's typed out a tweet and sent it - even before I can grab my phone and forbid her from doing it.

parrot96: a group of parrots is called a pandemonium

"No you, you already did it." I exhale noisily, shaking my head, and take a large sip of coffee before continuing. "I shouldn't have even said anything in the first place and now you're responding?"

She slides my phone back over to me on the counter and meets my eyes. "Well, it's not like they know who you are. Don't worry about anything like that; it's just harmless."

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