Chapter One: what the fuck is up emma, step the fuck up

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Chapter One: what the fuck is up emma, step the fuck up

"Emma?" I call out, frowning slightly as I don't see her figure curled up on the couch. She doesn't normally stray from her place on the far left of the couch when I come home this late, little more than her facial features sticking out of the two fluffy blankets we keep out there.

There is a brief moment of silence as I duck down and shrug my shoes off, kicking them lazily over to the side of the wall. Emma always yells at me for not taking my shoes upstairs into my room where I've got them laid out in my closet, but I had a pretty long day today and I've got no desire to pretend like I'm a neat person. My flats land upside down and on top of each other and I look down at them for a few moments before turning and walking away from them, heading over to the kitchen.

Emma doesn't respond to me, something that makes me frown. I turn and head into the kitchen, grabbing a half eaten bag of chips that I had left on the counter, before moving over to the staircase that heads upstairs and scaling it quickly. I turn right at the second floor landing and head over to her room.

The door is slightly ajar so I stick my head in it warily; maybe she's asleep. But no, her bed is empty, still made from the night before.

"Is anyone home?" I ask again. "Emma?"

Maybe she had a date or something that I didn't know about. No, we share literally everything together and I'm almost positive that she had not much more to do today than some preparations for the interviews she's doing later in the week. We'd planned to watch a movie together tonight, actually.

A frown settles on my face, and then I notice that there is electric light coming from the opposite side of the hallway - from my own room. My door is wide open, actually, which doesn't surprise me, but the light is blatantly on.

Is she in my room?

I chew a handful of chips as I walk over to my room and stick my head into it.


Emma is sitting at my desk. Her back is turned away from me and focused on my laptop, which is perched open in front of her. The screen is facing me, allowing me to see exactly what she is looking at and, within the second, I realize what she found. She is watching a minecraft video. It's on pretty low volume, but my voice is unmistakable as it reaches my ears.

I take a few steps into the room, my initial shock morphing into anger as I reach the desk. "What are you doing?"

I reach past her and slam the computer closed, my head turning to look Emma square in the eyes.

She meets my gaze with surprise rushing into her face. "Shit."

"Shit is right. Why were you snooping?" I move away from her, taking my laptop with me, and throw it onto my bed. I set the bag of chips down next to it before turning and walking over to the far right of my room, stepping into my closet. I shrug off the tan coat I was wearing, my backpack dropping to the floor with it.

Emma speaks as I leave the room. "I - you asked me to send you that pdf and then I got curious about why you'd have a folder named WR on your desktop. It just - it was innocent, I swear."

WR. My desktop is a mess of files and folders with weird names that only make sense to me but, out of everything, she decided to click on that fucking folder. That is the last thing I'd want anyone to see, even my own sister.

"Snooping isn't innocent. Those weren't meant for anyone to see." I shake my head as I walk back into the room, looking back into her eyes.

She's turned the office chair that she was sitting in around. Now, she is still sitting on it cross legged but we are facing each other as I sit down on my bed next to my closed laptop. I glance down at it and, instantly, I'm reminded of what she was just watching. Dread fills me again.

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