always here (6)

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requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva

i decided to make this chapter with a lot of harry being a simp because why not



Harry ran.

He ran as fast as he could to find y/n.

His heart filled with hope for her to be alive.

Suddenly he stopped as he entered the place Voldemort was standing claiming his 'death'.

He looked up only to see Lucious running towards the h/c haired girl he adored.

He didn't have time.

Lucious was angry and Harry couldn't save y/n.

The angry man got closer and closer to y/n, ready to attack her.

He wants to protect her but he can't, how?

He felt the same thing he did when she was petrified in 2nd year.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger, please follow me, I must show you something very important." Professor Mcgonagall ordered them with a lace of worry in her voice.

The group followed her through the hallways, their minds wandering where she was taking them.

Professor McGonagall was very strict about learning and work, so this had to be a good reason to be pulled out of class.

"In here." She stopped at the hospital wing, leaving the group confused, but then she pointed to the last bed and the three children ran towards it as quick as they could.

"Y/N!" Hermione cried out, her sister had been petrified and that means she must be next. She walked on the side of the bed. As Harry and Ron walked to the other side.

"Will she be ok?" Ron asked, worrying for one of his best friends.

"We'll see what we can do." Mcgonagall responded.

Harry sat on the bed and took his hand in the petrified girl's.

"How exactly did it happen?" Harry asked with worry.

"We found her body near a window, she must've been looking out when she got petrified." Mcgonagall answered.

Hermione suddenly got up, "Professor, I think it's best for me to- to go and get my mind off it, excuse me." Hermione walked out the hospital wing.

"I'll be leaving too." The Professor told the boys, but before leaving she observed Harry's actions, his face was just staring at y/n His hand was now rubbing circles on her hand.

"Mister Weasley, I'm sure you would like to join miss granger in calming her down about her sister." Professor Mcgonagall told Ron.

"But what about harry and y/-"

"I'm sure harry will take care of y/n by himself." Professor Mcgonagall said with a small smirk on her face as Ron and her headed out the wing.

Now they were alone.

"I miss you." Harry started, "I'm not sure if you can hear me. But I'd like to tell you, I miss your voice, I miss the way you teased my capability to speak parseltongue. Unlike the others, I like it secretly when you tease me about it. I miss when I would 'accidentally' drop my books in class to stay after just to see you walk in to class. I miss when we had races near the black lake and the loser had to do the other's homework. I miss you y/n, and I'm gonna bring you back to me."

Harry's heartfelt speech to y/n was treated with nothing but silence.

He felt his heart break, not hearing her respond to him.

"I'll fix this, I promise." He promised as he took his pinky and locked it with hers, "pinky promise." He whispered.

At that moment he also felt he needed to protect y/n.

But y/n also knew that she needed to protect him.

They needed each other.

Back to reality, Harry ran, he ran faster and faster across the courtyard, begging for someone or something to save y/n.

He saw Lucious snatch y/n's wand away, she was defenseless. "Aw, do you need this? This stick?" He laughed, "Go away, Voldemort is dead, you have no leader." Y/n insisted.

"He stays in our hearts." Lucious said before yelling out the killing curse with his wand facing y/n.

if you think y/n is dead yet, you'll find out next chapter BECAUSE I LOVE GIVING YOU CLIFFHANGERSSS 😋

i still love you all though <3 BYE

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