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Tumi: “so what’s up Sy?” we are at the gym. Mom was discharged 2 days ago after she stayed 5 days at the hospital. The doctor said she mustn’t stress herself because her health is not great. My knuckles have luckily healed so I am great.

Me: “nothing. I am fine.” She rolls her eyes.
Tumi: “if you don’t talk to me, then who are you going to talk to?” I chuckle and sit on the bench. She sits next to me. “Good Listener personality activated.” I laugh. “Glad I can make you laugh.”

Me: “mom was hospitalized because of me. She had a heart attack. I said things that I regret to her and I am ashamed of myself.”
Tumi: “what led you to that?”
Me: “she told me that she arranged a marriage for me. I just lost it and started insulting her, together with my father and siblings. I guess she took it hard because she ended up in a hospital bed because of my words.”

Tumi: “wow. So what are you going to do?”
Me: “because of her health, I am going to marry whatever douche she wants me to marry. My mom is my everything. I don’t wanna lose her because of my stubborn ass.” She chuckles.

Tumi: “parents make huge sacrifices for us. Some we won’t even know until we die. They know what’s best for us and they always look out for us. If you have a chance to make your parents happy, take it. Many of us didn’t get that opportunity.” I smile.

Me: “thank you Miss Multiple personalities.” She laughs.
Tumi: “glad I could knock some sense into you. I didn’t trust myself.” I laugh and she joins me. My phone beeps. I take it and I see a message from Kea. What the fuck does she want now? I open it.

“We are having lunch with the Semoko family on Friday at 2pm at home. Don’t be late and make sure you fix your attitude or we are going to have a problem.”

I huff. This woman has an ability of making my skin shiver just by a single text. God I hate her. Now I must clean my vocab so that I don’t embarrass my family in front of their in laws. God be with me.

Tumi: “who is it?”
Me: “my bully sister.”
Tumi: “damn that woman is sexy.” I laugh and roll my eyes. Tumi is bisexual and has had a crush on my sister for so long. She just loves her personality more which is sticking.

Me: “you’re crazy.”
Tumi: “hey don’t judge. Maybe you are getting married to a 40 year old big bellied man.” I frown.

Me: “mom would have to forgive me but I didn’t stay fit all my life just so I can be squashed by a big potbelly for the rest of my life.” She laughs.
I get home at 4pm and I decide to go see my brother. I know it’s a 4 hour drive to Emalahleni. I guess I will get there by 9pm latest, should I get delayed by traffic. I shower and pack an overnight bag. I am going to be back by tomorrow afternoon. I get dressed in tracksuits and sneakers. I take my bag, car keys, phone, wallet and head out after locking the house.

I climb into the car and put my bag in the passenger seat. I sent Hlogi a message stating he must lock up this evening and be the first one to get at the gym tomorrow morning. I first go pass the petrol station where I fill up the tank and buy energy drinks. I am not a fan of energy drinks but I don’t wanna get tired on the road.

I get to my brother’s house at 8:30pm and park outside the garage. I take my bag out and climb off the car. I go to the main door and knock. After a few moments, my nephew, Ditiro opens the door. He is 9 years old. He smiles when he sees me.

Ditiro: “aunt Nella.” He hugs me and I hug him back.
Me: “how are you?”
Ditiro: “I am good. Come in.” he pulls me inside. “Mama, papa, aunt Nella is here.” he leads me to the lounge where my brother is sitting with his wife and their 4 year old daughter Lesedi.

Me: “hey guys.”
Azanda: “hey.” She stands up and the throw she was covering her body with falls, revealing her huge swollen belly.
Me: “holy fuck, you’re huge.” She gives me a threatening look.

Azanda: “not in front of the kids.” I chuckle.
Me: “sorry.” She hugs me.
Azanda: “I know you love us, but at night?” I laugh.
Me: “I needed to talk to my brother.”

Azanda: “ohh okay. Let me dish up for you. I am pretty sure you’re hungry.”
Me: “no you can rest.”
Azanda: “bitch please. I am pregnant not crippled.”
Rapu: “language.”

Azanda: “whatever.” She rolls her eyes and I chuckle. “Honey let’s go dish up for aunt Nella.” She takes Lesedi’s hands and they head to the kitchen. I sit down next to my brother.
Me: “I am sorry.” He chuckles.
Rapu: “you drove four house just to say sorry?”

Me: “yes. I disrespected you and our parents. I nearly killed mom and for that I am sorry.”
Rapu: “is your decision influenced by Kea’s visit?” I laugh.

Me: “nope. Mom being hospitalized opened my eyes. And I have decided to accept this whole arranged marriage bullshit.” He gives me a look. “Sorry.” He chuckles.
Rapu: “you are hopeless.” I laugh.

Me: “so you are going to be there on the Friday lunch?”
Rapu: “no. but I am coming on your engagement dinner which is next week Saturday.” I frown.
Me: “already they are making plans without my concern?”

Rapu: “sorry sis.”
Me: “whatever man.” Azanda comes back with a plate of food and Lesedi is carrying a glass of juice. They hand the food and juice to me. “Thank you nana.” Lesedi smiles and nods. She is a mute. She is really beautiful and I wanna teach her how to box so that no one can bully her about being a mute.

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