You havent learned yet huh?

Start from the beginning

"Then why is he still breathing?"

"Haven't I told you about questioning me and my authority?"

"I'm sorry daddy but why is he still working for you? After all I told you about him, I've seen you kill men without hesitation and yet you're stalling with Jayceon why, I just don't understand papi I don't,"

"Princess look, I know he hurt you alright I understand that, but right now he's a valuable asset to me, I need him on my team if I want to make connections in other territories, the man is a legend in the streets, I can't deny that, so let me learn some more from him, grow my connections and then he's gone, I promise you princess, I mean when did you stop trusting me?"

"Daddy I never stopped trusting you, ever, I just, I'm ready for that son of a bitch to die, he denied my son, his son, Joshua is Jayceon's blood and he denied him, every time I look at these results I want to punch the walls, he's happy at home with his precious wife and their child but he denied my baby,"

"Listen to me sweetheart, he will pay and I mean it, he will, just give me some more time, it's always been chess not checkers," I say and she sighs smiling wide.

"I'm sorry papa for doubting you,"

"It's alright dear, I just want you to know, there's a method to my madness. He will bring the connections to me, I will take over all territories, and then, then he will die, they all will, I'll kill him just like I did Javier, and I'm not through with Rock. He will pay for killing your mother, I know all about their relationship, and his dirty deeds will be shown to light," I say feeling my blood boil.

I was out for revenge, against all those who have wrong me and my family. About four years ago, my wife started having an affair with Rock we were going through a divorce. A rough one, me and Jenna had been married for twenty- five years.

She knew what I was when she met me. I was just selling small shit back then, working under my father and my uncle. Two old heads that let their personal beef come in between business. When my father was shot I took over, and that's when I met Jenna. During that time period, my father got cancer but he was also the biggest drug lord in the city.

Men of all backgrounds feared Emilio Estes Sr. I have some of that respect today. After me and Jenna got married, I tried looking for other work but the streets is where I mostly got my bread. I was bringing home around two to three thousand a night and back then that was paper.

I was running the streets and my uncle tried to destroy me, after my father died. but I pinned him for the murder of his cop friend. I found out they had beef about a drug deal and he was no longer on my uncles payroll. He came to me and unc was pissed about it.

Long story short my uncle died in prison, I made sure of it. I killed my Bestfriend for betraying me, So these niggas was going to soon feel my wrath. Rock worked under me and fucked my wife behind my back all because I didn't father him. Pathetic piece of shit, I met his mother way before Jenna, Savannah was my first.

She was my queen and I fucked up with her. I couldn't marry her, my parents always saw her as ghetto trash, and when I got her pregnant they definitely told me to get rid of her. I paid her to get an abortion but I didn't want her to kill my seed, especially when I found out it was a boy. Savannah gave me a boy, and I was behind happy. I couldn't wait to teach him and raise him.

Hurt The Same 2 || Amber Riley & Jayceon TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now